Worthy Charities

Hey guys. I was just thinking of giving some money or supplies to a charitable organization after I'm done saving up for the wedding. I was thinking of St. Jude's Children Hospital. What other organizations are worthy of considering and why? Thanks for your time in advance, guys.
the charity that is close to my heart is Over-the-Rhine Community Housing. this is a charity that deals with inner city housing in Cincinnati OH, my home town. they buy up old, falling apart buildings and rehab them to turn them into low income housing. the catch is that if you want to live in the housing they provide, you have to work for their "company" in one way or another. you can help rehab the buildings, you can work in their office, you can pick up trash around the buildings, etc. it doesnt matter what you do as long as you work for them in some small way. this builds community spirit and pride in your work. they say that they build communities, not houses.
Ive done a good share of work for them in the past and i donate money to them when i can. If i am setting up a charity event i like to have them as the recipient of the proceeds.
Ok, just being snarky...down off my soapbox. St. Jude's is great, as are many of the children's hospitals in the country. They do cancer and do it very well. Many of the others children's hospital do a wide range of pediatric illnesses and diseases.
Whenever you see celebrity this or that on TV you so often see them doing things for children or animals. Nothing wrong with either of those causes to be sure. I just am saddened that almost never do you hear about charities for the elderly. Yes, they don't have long lives ahead of them and they aren't cute and cuddly, but, right now with the Greatest Generation especially, but always, they are the folks who paved the way for everything we enjoy today. They are the ones that truly cannot fight their way out of a bad situation. Because they just seem so deserving, yet so underrepresented I always throw my $.02 in and urge folks to look into charities for the elderly. As long as you at least look, then follow your heart and go from there. I am a firm believer that acts of philanthropy and volunteering do far more for the giver than the recipient. So, be selfish
Speaking of good charities - Jeff Jackson at cigar.com runs a charity. Call him up - they do a ton of wounded Vet stuff and fundraisers/cigars for currently deployed troops. My wife and I have donated to his charity a couple of times and will do so again. Jeff is the man.
By the way, I love the suggestions you guys are coming up with. I'll call up Jeff for more info on his charity event. In the meantime, keep the suggestions coming
Also I work for a Autistic school and places like Autism Speaks that help all aspects of the disorder
Last but not least I do beleave I remember you saying you a christan I say find a good churh or missionary organization getting out the word of God and Helping many along the way
I agree ! Childrens Hospital saved my life.