what's the public's opinion of your police force like in the states?

just wondering, as over here in the uk ours are seen as a bit of a joke, nobody seems to have any respect for them or what they do. As it seems easier at times for them to do your average person for something pathetic just to meet targets than it is for them to go out and stop real crime.
for example a guy who owns a bar went to the police station with all the passports and id cards he had picked up off his floor over the weekend, and instead of the police saying thanks they had a go at him for hanging on to them for so long and said he was lucky not to be arrested and that in future he was to hand them in at the station as soon as he found them. which isn't exactly practical if hes finding them every 10-20 mins
not the best example but you get the idea.
for example a guy who owns a bar went to the police station with all the passports and id cards he had picked up off his floor over the weekend, and instead of the police saying thanks they had a go at him for hanging on to them for so long and said he was lucky not to be arrested and that in future he was to hand them in at the station as soon as he found them. which isn't exactly practical if hes finding them every 10-20 mins
not the best example but you get the idea.
We have about 5 different counties, 3 different states, Park, and federal law enforcement.
I pray I never need any of them.
And now that I'm a business owner (a GM of my parent corporation) I have a new found respect for them for they protect my ass and I give them UBER discounts and hook them up and make them happy!
It's a mutual relationship!
im hoping to join the police force after ive finished my physics degree.
although i dont stand much chance of getting in as im a white male:(
1in7 white males who pass selection get the job the rest are rejected and its done at random. although if your a women or black that doesn't happen as that would be discrimination, wheres the rolls eyes smiley.
this country is really going *** up.
im thinking about leaving, and the states is one of my options, also thinking of Canada or new zealand.
suppose the good thing about moving to the states is i can already speak American
i know its a bit random but being a police officer is what ive wanted to do for ages, csi is differnt over here to what it seems to be in the states, speaking from my in depth knowledge of the American csi's gathered from the csi series.:p
everyone who knows me says its a waste me just being a policeman, and i could do something thats better paid. but to be honest id rather just do something that makes me happy.
im sure there's a saying somewhere, find a job you love doing and you will never work a day in your life.
Some of the richer suburbs seem to have a majority of under-worked, over-paid heroes that treat everyone like scum.