Got tequila?

So I'm looking for a good tequila(reposado or anejo) for a get together I'm going to. It will be drank straight, not mixed. Looking for something very smooth and flavorful but not massivley overpowering. A store close to me has Corazon Anejo, El Tesoro Reposado. , cazadores anejo and reposado on sale. Roccomendatons?
Just out of curiosity why are you restricting your options to resposado or anejo? The only difference between these and the silver/blanco is how long they have been in the cask and taken on the cask's oakey characteristics. Blanco has been in there the least, resposado longer and anejo the longest so it will taste much more oakey than the others but the quality of the tequila is the same. Personally, I enjoy the blanco across the board on all brands because it tastes like pure tequila. An anejo might come across as overpowering to some because of the oak flavors imparted on the tequila. Blancos are smooth as silk.