Hate being unemployed

As most of you guys know, I got out of the Army about four months ago. I'm going insane sitting around while waiting for the VA to hand down judgment on my case, I'm tired of waiting for any word from government agencies, I feel like a mooch living on unemployment, and my fiancee and I are saving money for our wedding and our life together (whether we live in Canada or here in the US will depend on if I can find a full-time job here).
Does anyone know anyone/any company/any agency hiring in their area that would have pay decent enough to justify relocation? Please PM me if you guys know anything. I have a resume ready for anyone or any company that needs it.
Does anyone know anyone/any company/any agency hiring in their area that would have pay decent enough to justify relocation? Please PM me if you guys know anything. I have a resume ready for anyone or any company that needs it.
As for you feeling like a mooch on unemployment, I hear that so often and it drives me nuts. Unemployment is there to keep people from going completly under and its something you are entiteled to because you pay into it when you have a job. In my mind is like the entire country giving you a boost to get you back on your feet.