
As some of the guys here know, I was in an acciident on my moped Saturday afternoon, well the pain gfot to be unbearable so much to my chagrin I accepted the fact I needed medical attention, however when goin to leave I tried on 3 or 4 different times to get into the jeep but couln't breathe, which lead to myu stepdad calllin 911 and my hAPPY ASS IN THE HOSPITAL stupid capslock, when I finALLY got there they drew blood like 2 or 3 times did some xrays, and had a CT/cvat scan .... shortly after or so the Doc comes back and says I've ruptured my spleen and they need to evac me to a hoispital in Charlotte as my town didn't hAVE THE facilitys, the surgery was a SUCCESS it was an invasived radiology procedure, so minus some coughing fits I be on the road to recovery. I'm sure your asking "Hey Hayblet why post that here?" well the Wifi here blocks facebook so I had to be able to tewll the BORKS that knew what I was going through so, I'm supposed to ghet out of ICU today and mightr even get to go hime, so long ashes my friends and watch outg for #$#$$##$#$#@ mopeds when you're driving your 2 ton cars!!!

On the plus side, I did get a PCM (patient controlled medication) of a MORPHINE DRIP so needless tpo say what little pain I felt didn't last too long other than coughing fits