Uncharacteristic lousy pricing

The Custom Sampler used to be one of the best deals on the site. Even though the heading includes Camacho, guess what? There are no Camachos to select! Likewise Ave Marias have been pulled, as have the Diesel Unlimiteds. And no MOW Ruinations either. Come on! Even my 3rd grade daughter can do the math. If you get 10 for 60 bucks, then any pick listing for under $6 is no deal. Yet the list is filled with that price range. Am I nit picky here? This is a turn off in an age of internet price comparisons.
Got to love the packing job too. The humidity pack really shows me they care about my cigars. Lots of companies don't do that surprisingly.
1. There will be an upcoming weekend blitz where you can make your own for $39.95. We are going to load up the selection as heavy as possible fir the promo but some stuff will go fast so keep your eye out.
2. After the new year we are planning a price reduction on this item. Currently $59.95 for one of $49.95 when you buy 2 or more. New pricing will be $10 less, at $49.95 for one or $39.95 when you buy two or more.
we will continue to try to improve our section always. Thanks for the feedback!!
I've used the custom sampler a few times over the years and found it to be a good way to get exactly what I wanted (when available) at a solid price and was always happy with it. Ccom has to manage their excess inventory and I always thought it was a win/win when I found what I was looking for on the custom sampler section. Dropping the price by $10 just makes it even better. And yeah on a side note the buy one get one free singles is freaking great. Love that section.
"Long ashes my friends."