The Dark Tower

Just saw this today; it looks like Ron Howard and Stephen King are getting together to put the 7 book (soon to be 8) series on the big screen in 3 parts, starting 2013. It looks like they will fill in the time between movie releases with a TV series. I don't know about anyone else but I have been waiting almost 25 years for this to happen. The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower Part 1) was released way back in 1982.
have you read any of the graphic novels? they are pretty good
What are the graphic novels? And where can I get them? I have read everything else he has put out.
Again, thank you for this. I need this link. It is always the darkest time for me between his books, especially when I was reading the Dark Tower series.
Don't need any of the 7 novels; I buy those when they are first released and finish them a month later usually. Rob and I were talking about the graphic novels available for download from, I thought you had copies of those.
1) SEVEN of the greatest books ever written, condensed into NINE hours (Im figuring 3 hours per movie, MAX) - this has the potential to be a horrible train-wreck movie adaption a la "The Stand".
2) Thank God for an 8th book - hopefully NOW the Dark Tower series WILL HAVE AN ENDING WORTHY OF IT! (hope Stephen King is reading this! LOL) The ending of this series ranks as my #1 Stinker Ending of Any Story, Any Medium of All Time to this day!
The good news is the 8th book is coming out, the bad news is it is just a concept now. But there is a new book of King short stories out and that gives me an idea for another Christmas present for her.
Thanks guys, you've made me look like a hero!
Just finished reading the new book, Full Dark, No Stars. 4 short stories done in the typical King short story fashion.
Glen, I can understand your concern regarding the compact nature that the movies will allow, however, don't forget that there is also a TV series that will bridge the 3 movies. Also, Ron Howard is directing the first movie so I am not anticipating a stinker there.
I too, built up the series so much that the ending really didn't do it for me. I was so disappointed when I finished I actually re-read the last chapter again figuring I missed something.
I think "Hearts in Atlantis" was the worst adaptation of a King book to the big screen that I have ever had the displeasure of seeing, IT was the best.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨