First Child On the Way

Well Found out a few weeks ago that wife is pregnant. Had the first ultrasound last Friday. Should be due sometime in early August. I think it will be the perfect occasion for my first Opus X. Got a few that I've been sitting on for a while now so they should be nice and aged by then. On a side note...anyone want to buy a Harley? LoL.
"Long ashes my friends."
Just in case, you might want to make sure your mailbox is stable. . . for now.
Thanks for the responses guys. Should be fun and terrifying at the same time. And a perfectly good reason to get all the sticks I can now cause once the kid comes i'm sure it will decrease big time. lol.
Our little guy just turned 1 and its been an awesome year. Hectic, but awesome. Just remember though, when your getting zero sleep, and feel like you don't know what the heck your doing no matter what you do, after the first 3 or so months it starts to get fun. That first smile you get from them makes it all worth it. And each additional month after that, the kid will get more and more fun as they develop their own personality.
On a side note, keep the bike. Its way easier to rationalize keeping something you already have than to try to talk the family into a Bike purchase for you, over a family vacation 10 years down the road. haha. At least that was my rationale. But since my wife rides as well, it was an easier sell for me. haha.