Help me out?

Hey guys, as most of you know I started my own cigar review blog. I am new at all of this and just added some banners for and XIKAR. I was hoping a few of you guys might check it out and click the banners to be sure they redirect you to the right website. It works on my end but the page I see is different from what you see. Also let me know if the layout looks okay.
The banner I am using is for a 3 pack of cigars for $5. If you guys have any friends or noobs getting into cigars they might be really interested in the offer. Heck I might add it to my next order just because it is a great deal.
I appreciate all the feedback and comments. You guys are the best!
The banner I am using is for a 3 pack of cigars for $5. If you guys have any friends or noobs getting into cigars they might be really interested in the offer. Heck I might add it to my next order just because it is a great deal.
I appreciate all the feedback and comments. You guys are the best!
I checked out the Amazon Xikar widget as well and it works. Neat idea on the widget, I just wish it looked a little more refined. Your page has a great lay-out and feel and the widgets are a bit clunky looking. Handy enough to warrant their clunkiness but still clunky. The whole thing still looks great.
I really like the Amazon at the bottom because I hand selected all the items. I am using a free generic template. As I get a better understanding on all this I might actually buy a template that looks more professional that will let me refine some of the widgets.
+1 looking good so far.