Was given an Offer

I just to to post to vent. I was offered a supervisors position today. Here comes the kicker the offer was 3K less then a made last year. What the F. More work more headache less pay. I told them I would send a counter offer in the morning. They tried to justify it by saying this was a great move towards a manager position. It should be an interesting day tomorrow for sure.
EDIT: F**k it... I wouldn't take it. It's a d**n carrot chase.
Couldn't agree more with One2gofst here. I took a position with a new dealer in Oct. and for a few months I will make less than I did but the potential to make as much or more is there. BUT , the really great thing is I no longer have to work 6-7 days a week. No longer have to work till 9pm,10pm or later each night I'm at work. No longer have to work any Sundays. Get at least one day off during week plus Sunday plus get to leave abot 4-5 pm at least one day a week ( we close at 7pm) . Have the dealers blessing when time needed off for my dads cancer problems instead of a lecture about we need every man every minute every day !!! Much more relaxed atmosphere , even though I have about 10 people under me now . I have not fallen asleep driving home like I once did at my old job and am much more relaxed and happier. I'm getting to spend time with family that could never be regained if lost . More responsibility sure, more people depending on me sure , but a he_ll of a lot happier !!!
They do this at my place too. I think they want to see how "committed" you are to the company. One thing that got me to go for it was that I was nearly "capped out" in my old post. Two years after the switch - I'm way ahead of where I used to be with a cap that I might never reach (plus if I did hti the new cap - WOW). Like guardian said, it's up to you - best of luck either way!
Bottom line is you don't want to chase a carrot blindly, like someone already mentioned. Hold them accountable by making them hold you accountable. Win/win.
"Long ashes my friends."