Do you Retrohale??

One of the mysteries of cigar smoking, this is the key to flavor and really tasting a cigar fully. It has changed my opinion of so many cigars over the years. I find most dont or havent tried it before. To me it is the only way to discover the difference between flavor and strength. For those that havent there are youtube videos how and plenty of forum postings. So do you or why dont you??
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
To answer the OP, I do on every cigar. Usually about every 5 puffs I'll retrohale, and it's now a habit for me.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Every time I tried it would burn my sinuses but I should really learn to do this as well. I'll try out this tip