Break & Enter?

So while I was away on vacation, I got a voicemail telling me that the local gas company had to turn off everyones gas access because of a problem and that once resolved they would be sending reps around to relight everyones gas appliances and if nobody was home they would leave a phone number for you to call and have someone come out. I came home and found that someone had been in my house (mail package brought inside) I had not asked anyone to do this for me and I couldn't figure how it got inside...I went in to the kitchen and found a letter on my kitchen counter, the letter (form) was from my gas company and stated because of the cold they were worried about the possibility of damage to my home because of the gas being off (gas furnace) and that they used a bonded locksmith to access my home and relight my furnace which would have been off for a couple days with nobody home (they did not know this). Attached to their letter was a business card from a special police constable (not sure if they are actual cops, they do not carry guns and I think more represent the police other than anything else) the letter also stated the police were contacted and told this would be happening. This is not sitting well with me, on one hand I'm glad my house was warm when I got home and no problems but for a company to be able to bring a locksmith over and just go inside my home when I am not there WTF???? This was not done out of concern of a danger like a gas leak but out of concern of damage to my personal property which is insured to the hilt I might add...This just does not seem ok, not sure what I am going to do about it yet if anything...I don't even have any gas appliances btw...
When the broken pipes thaw and flood the house it's a real bummer.
Just be glad they didn't see the pot plants in your bedroom.
The other thing is that this is not necessarily true under these circumstances in the US it might actually hold up in court. The gas company would not be a government agency and if they did indeed have a legal right to be in the house to relight pilot lights or whatever they are not acting under government power. Kind of like if you rent an apartment and maint. has to come over for some reason. They gain entrance into your residence legally. Once inside if they were to discover something and call the police, then the police would have a legal right to be there. Once they were there they could maintain security of residence and obtain a warrant for the house.
The important thing to remember that warrants and search and seizers laws only apply to government angencies or officials.