Good Valentines Gifts?

Just thought I'd start a thread for everyone to share if they got anything good. I think there already was one but I couldn't remember...
My wife hit a home run by getting me a Nook E-Reader from Barnes and Noble! I do a lot of reading so this was the PERFECT gift for me!
My wife hit a home run by getting me a Nook E-Reader from Barnes and Noble! I do a lot of reading so this was the PERFECT gift for me!
Well... As long as you aren't bringing Hays. I don't want to have to fight him off of my wife all night! LMAO
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
You're such a romantic SH ..... LOL .... me and the wife both always say we dont celebrate hallmark holidays but always both end up getting each other something .....