Has The World Gone Mad?

This has been eating at me for a while but after today I finally need to vent. I am sick and tired of just trying to conduct simple consumer transactions and having to disclose all kinds of personal info. I went to the "the hair curttery" (national haircut chain) for a straight up $15 haircut. I walked in and said I wanted a cut and was asked if I had a client card. I said no. They proceeded to ask for my name, address and phone and said I had to be registered in their system to get my hair cut. WTF? This is a $15 haircut I am paying cash for, not a space shuttle launch. I am the consumer, give me a good or service, I give you currency.... End of story. Same thing happened last week at the sun glass hut when I went to buy a pair of glasses. To get the warranty they wanted my name, address, phone and email. What ever happened to keeping a receipt and that being sufficient for a warranty? And what about the grocery store? Lots of great sales but if you want the sale price you have to have a shopper card which tracks your every dollar spent! I am in direct marketing so I certainly understand the desire to want to know how customers spend their money but how has it gotten to the point where it has become more important to collect personal info vs just processing a damn transaction. CCOM being online we have to get certain billing and shipping info to process a transaction but if I had a store I would not dream of only offering sale items to customers who give me their personal info. If they want to great, if not great. Am I the only person out there that would rather just pay for his 10th cup of coffee to avoid the hastle of dragging around another loyalty card?
Donuts and receipts
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"Long ashes my friends."
The next time , ask for THEIR full legal name ( request a picture id for verification ) , address , home and cell phone numbers . Tell them you never allow anyone to cut your hair that you do not have full contact information for. Tell them you don't sell it but you do have a data base that you use to cross reference bad haircuts from the past because you know how beauticians move to different shops and so forth. Tell them you'll also use it for contact anytime in the next 10 days after said haircut that you don't feel like your hair is behaving the way you would like for it to or in the event you just woke up in a pi_ssy mood ! Then watch the look on THEIR faces !!!
A... HELL NO your not the only one! I have Bitched and i mean Seriously Bitched several times at these places, i have had to close a couple of email accounts I have had since the interenet Started just because my Info slowley started getting bought or sold or leaked to every tom *** and F-U-C-K-I-n-g Harry out there.
if we all carried all the loyalty cards etc that we HAD to Carry to get a GOOD DEAL we would all be carrying PURSES!.... IT IS UTTER BULLS-H-I-T......... On another note, I have not bought ONE cigar from any place on Line but CCOM......... and i have been getting Cigar Magazines from everyone under the sun out ther that sells cigars WTF.......... Im just saying they ALL go in the TRASH but CCOM.
buying some land in the Redwoods on the St. Andreas Fault Overlooking the Pacific Ocean Near Occidental California... going to build a Rocio Romero Home... all solar... completey wireless Off the gird no GPS BS and wait for the APocolypse..... or the Big Slide into the OCean Which ever comes first! F-U-C-K our government and this WAL MART SOCIETY!......
ahhhhhhh thanks ALex just the venting I needed today! I think ill go smoke a nice Diesel UC to Celebrate !