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p90X challenge?

anyone else have actually completed this to the end?


  • Rob1110Rob1110 Posts: 1,577 ✭✭✭
    I have a few of the DVDs at home and it's a hell of a workout. I'll pull one out from time to time if I can't get to the gym and can't seem to motivate myself to work out on my own.
  • quix24quix24 Posts: 66
    I have. If you really commit to it you should definitely see results. I lost a little over 20lbs over the 3 months so it was worth it to me.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    lol...ok...well roommate and i are going to start on monday...clearing out all junk food in house and we are going to follow it to a T.....i want to lose 20 pounds a month which i know is actually extreme but i know i can do it....thank god for supplements lol
  • I've made it through 8 weeks at a time. I will be honest the work out is great, I just don't like that it takes over an hour.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    I dont mind if its 1.5 hours a day....i have come to a conclusion i am severely tired of being over weight....like, extremly tired of it...i want to work my ass off and get in shape big time and keep it off....so i will be doing it hard core and following the program....ill be taking pics every week and when i get to the end 3 months from now, if i remember ill go ahead and post pics and the weight loss for every week i was on it.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Only the yoga workouts aer 1.5 hrs - everything else is 1 hr (and even then, there's usually 10-15 minutes of pre and post-workout stretching).

    P90X is a really good system, but you'll ONLY lose weight if you follow the diet/nutrition plan - no booze, no junk, etc. But fortunately, I don;t think cigars are included (IIRC, nicotine is actually an appetite suppressant)

  • skweekzskweekz Posts: 2,279 ✭✭✭
    thank god for supplements lol

    Don't buy the Beachbody "recovery" drink powder. If you look at the labels in the grocery store, there are some chocolate milks that you can use for recovery. It really does help out with preventing post-workout sore muscles and whatnot. That is, if you can stomach drinking milk after working out.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    i wouldnt buy anything from the company...i have my own protein powders that i take right now...lol...i have the program in hand and im excited to start it next week...!
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    I have it at home waiting. I'm going to Spain for 2 weeks and I'm going to do it when I get back. I've been working out most of my life and am in pretty good shape. I expect for this program to kick my a$$ but I also expect to complete it. I'm going to make a short video log of the process.
    Light 'em up.
  • I'm trying the Insanity program on the 1st. Not sure if I'll make it through, but I'm hoping to have a semi-decent summer body this year.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    We should do like a P90X or Insanity challenge thread.
    Light 'em up.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    thank god for supplements lol
    What supplements are you taking?
  • mfotismfotis Posts: 720 ✭✭
    lol...ok...well roommate and i are going to start on monday...clearing out all junk food in house and we are going to follow it to a T.....i want to lose 20 pounds a month which i know is actually extreme but i know i can do it....thank god for supplements lol
    Though you couldn’t tell it now, I was a certified physical trainer and I applaud your enthusiasm. Not to get too far in into your personal business but unless you’re really over weight, losing 20 a month is really not healthy and very difficult to maintain. I’m by no means trying to be a downer and I wish you the very best but in my experience when ppl set goals to that extent and then don’t meet them it’s a lot harder for them psychologically to continue. You seem very motivated so maybe it won’t be a problem but I would recommend that you work your hardest for the first month and see what kind of results you end up with and then start setting goals or benchmarks for improvement based on those results.

    Second, the ppl trying to sell you a specific program may not tell you this but if you consult a professional who is dedicated to helping you meet your goals, they will tell you that nutrition is at least 80% of a good weight loss program. I know you got rid of all the junk food but you also have to eat healthy for your regular meals as well and it’s difficult to break those bad food habits i.e. “I’m in a hurry so I’ll just grab something from (insert your favorite fast food here) restaurant and just work out harder tomorrow” . To be honest trying to eat healthy is actually more work than your work out will ever be. If you have a gym close by or a friend who is or knows a nutritionist who will give you some basic tips (without charging you an arm or a leg or trying to get you to drop coin on a certain gym) I would talk to them when or before you start. The bottom line though is if you burn more calories than you consume you will lose weight. The basic math is if you can cut your calorie intake by 500 and burn up to 500 calories a day will facilitate weight loss. I would also buy a heart rate monitor, once you set it up, it will help you track your calorie burn.

    This is only friendly advice and good luck. Oh one more thing, if you drink soda, cut that out, it will save you 190-230 calories per soda.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    We did P90X as a unit and it worked well to maintain a decent physical fitness, but then we tried insanity and never looked back. As with all programs the key is that you get out what you put into it. Insanity was 'insane' for lack of a better word. I think its because the P90X is designed to get you where you want to be. Insanity seemed more directed at getting you to a higher level. In line with mfotus' suggestions eating well is extremely important. I wish you God's speed during your journey, and don't over do it. It will cost you in the long run.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    + 1 to everything mfotis said - it's all about the food you eat.
  • ejenne87ejenne87 Posts: 1,925 ✭✭
    so seeing this thread gave me the motivation to finally get off my ass and get serious about working out again. I once lost 90 pounds in 5 months, and I have gained a LOT of that back over the last couple years. I just bought the Insanity workout deal from beachbody.com. Hopefully I can survive the workouts! Thanks for the push, gents
  • Andrew_DzikoskiAndrew_Dzikoski Posts: 381 ✭✭✭
    thank god for supplements lol
    What supplements are you taking?
    P90X will help and will work very well. I am on a ton of supplements and doing my own work out program. I take about 20 supplements at day. Universal Animal pak which is 11 pills in one back but its the most accepted supplement pack out there. I also take garlic, Alpha lipoic acid, and green tea extract with each meal. I also take a fish oil in the morning. It may seem like alot but I can feel a big difference. Oh and I also take l-trytophan at night for better sleep. I also use a lil NOshotgun prework out somedays.
  • nikostewartnikostewart Posts: 451
    Andrew Dzikoski:
    thank god for supplements lol
    What supplements are you taking?
    P90X will help and will work very well. I am on a ton of supplements and doing my own work out program. I take about 20 supplements at day. Universal Animal pak which is 11 pills in one back but its the most accepted supplement pack out there. I also take garlic, Alpha lipoic acid, and green tea extract with each meal. I also take a fish oil in the morning. It may seem like alot but I can feel a big difference. Oh and I also take l-trytophan at night for better sleep. I also use a lil NOshotgun prework out somedays.
    Damn Andy! I would think the Animal Paks have you covered for pretty much everything. A few years back when I was working out constantly the Animal Paks were great for recovery and making sure you get all the vitamins/minerals you need
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    mfotis....thanks bro...appreciate the advice....i am currently like 6ft, 290 pounds...lol...i am pretty overweight and know i can drop the weight...its time for a life style change.... i take a really good iso protein. I hate whey protein. I love to eat healthy, believe it or not, i love my veggies and living with a vegetarian has helped me eat a lot better lately. I am cutting all sugar, soda, and carbs out.....

    I will be making most of the meals and lunches 2 days ahead of time so there is no excuse that i dont have time. I am getting a heart rate moniter, pull up bar, mat, and weights this weekend for the house.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Might not wanna cut carbs out completely - if you look at the 90X nutrition guide, they tell you that carbs ARE needed, but you gotta control them; a lot are bad, but you do need some if you want energy to make it through the workouts
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Andrew Dzikoski:
    thank god for supplements lol
    What supplements are you taking?
    P90X will help and will work very well. I am on a ton of supplements and doing my own work out program. I take about 20 supplements at day. Universal Animal pak which is 11 pills in one back but its the most accepted supplement pack out there. I also take garlic, Alpha lipoic acid, and green tea extract with each meal. I also take a fish oil in the morning. It may seem like alot but I can feel a big difference. Oh and I also take l-trytophan at night for better sleep. I also use a lil NOshotgun prework out somedays.
    Animal Pak hands down greatest supplement EVER! I take it and only use Optimum Nutrition's Natural Whey Protein and their Casein. I love to put the casein on organic oats, pumpkin seeds and flax seeds as my pre work meal. Tea is very underrated. I always have green tea to help start my day and have a nice yerba mate or black tea as my pre workout drink usually.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    mfotis....thanks bro...appreciate the advice....i am currently like 6ft, 290 pounds...lol...i am pretty overweight and know i can drop the weight...its time for a life style change.... i take a really good iso protein. I hate whey protein. I love to eat healthy, believe it or not, i love my veggies and living with a vegetarian has helped me eat a lot better lately. I am cutting all sugar, soda, and carbs out.....

    I will be making most of the meals and lunches 2 days ahead of time so there is no excuse that i dont have time. I am getting a heart rate moniter, pull up bar, mat, and weights this weekend for the house.
    Joey you don't want to cut out all sugars and carbs. It's about finding the right balance of what your body needs and getting good sugars and good carbs in your diet. You get a lot of your sustainable energy from healthy carbs. Naturally occurring sugars are the way to go. The sugars found in like 100 percent juice and in fruit is mainly what I'm referring to. Food is the best way to build muscle/cut body fat. Listen to your body. I know it sounds ridiculous but it works. Whatever my body is telling me it needs I give it. If I feel like I need some fruit I give it to it, some protein, carbs etc. I know quite a few trainers and body builders, including my gf's brother, and they all live by that principle. Except when it's competition time. Then well they go crazy....lol
  • Andrew_DzikoskiAndrew_Dzikoski Posts: 381 ✭✭✭
    Yea I know its alot but didn't want to miss anything. 20 lbs a month will be tough shot for 10 because if you are working out yes you will lose fat but you will also gain back muscle so the two will start to level eachother out. Also don't cut out all carbs that can be a bad idea just stay away from simple carbs like sugar and white bread as well as other processed sugars. Also I highly advise while dieting and working out take some l-trptophaan at night it will help raise your dopamine levels. Both me and a good buddy of mine did a very low carb diet and with working out it can help to up your tes levels but drop your dopamine and well the results can lead to a very short fuse. The l-tryptophan easily breaks down and boost dopamine and help you feel happy and calmer which is good for you in many ways.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Andrew Dzikoski:
    Yea I know its alot but didn't want to miss anything.
    Everything you said is good stuff. Fish oil shockingly flys under the radar. My body isn't a fan of it so that's why I'm not on it.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Andrew Dzikoski:
    thank god for supplements lol
    What supplements are you taking?
    P90X will help and will work very well. I am on a ton of supplements and doing my own work out program. I take about 20 supplements at day. Universal Animal pak which is 11 pills in one back but its the most accepted supplement pack out there. I also take garlic, Alpha lipoic acid, and green tea extract with each meal. I also take a fish oil in the morning. It may seem like alot but I can feel a big difference. Oh and I also take l-trytophan at night for better sleep. I also use a lil NOshotgun prework out somedays.
    Damn Andy! I would think the Animal Paks have you covered for pretty much everything. A few years back when I was working out constantly the Animal Paks were great for recovery and making sure you get all the vitamins/minerals you need
    Plus if you get lost in the dark all you have to do is take a leak and you'll be able to see again, gotta love neon pee...lol
    Andrew Dzikoski:
    thank god for supplements lol
    What supplements are you taking?
    P90X will help and will work very well. I am on a ton of supplements and doing my own work out program. I take about 20 supplements at day. Universal Animal pak which is 11 pills in one back but its the most accepted supplement pack out there. I also take garlic, Alpha lipoic acid, and green tea extract with each meal. I also take a fish oil in the morning. It may seem like alot but I can feel a big difference. Oh and I also take l-trytophan at night for better sleep. I also use a lil NOshotgun prework out somedays.
    Damn Andy! I would think the Animal Paks have you covered for pretty much everything. A few years back when I was working out constantly the Animal Paks were great for recovery and making sure you get all the vitamins/minerals you need
    Plus if you get lost in the dark all you have to do is take a leak and you'll be able to see again, gotta love neon pee...lol
    OK so I just ordered my first box of Animal Pak. Now I have tough mudder in about 2 weeks then the ATL marathon the week after. Should I start these ASAP or wait till after the runs?
  • Andrew_DzikoskiAndrew_Dzikoski Posts: 381 ✭✭✭
    Start ASAP Pick up some glaric as well fo the day of the tough mudder and your marathon. Garlic is awesome for a number of reason. It helps to limit blood sugar spikes which limits your insulin response and therefore your fat storage response. It also opens up the pore in your musles to carry more oxygen and help to carry more glucose to the muscles so you can use more of the free sugars in your blood instead of storing them as fat. Its also good for your ticker so long as you are not on any prescription based statin drugs. I probably should note I am not a doctor I only play one on TV and can not be held responible for any advice taken. In the great words of Eric Cartmen "Follow your dreams you can reach your goals Beefcake!"
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Andrew Dzikoski:
    Start ASAP Pick up some glaric as well fo the day of the tough mudder and your marathon. Garlic is awesome for a number of reason. It helps to limit blood sugar spikes which limits your insulin response and therefore your fat storage response. It also opens up the pore in your musles to carry more oxygen and help to carry more glucose to the muscles so you can use more of the free sugars in your blood instead of storing them as fat. Its also good for your ticker so long as you are not on any prescription based statin drugs. I probably should note I am not a doctor I only play one on TV and can not be held responible for any advice taken. In the great words of Eric Cartmen "Follow your dreams you can reach your goals Beefcake!"
    ^this! Garlic and basil are both phenomenal for your body
  • Husker44Husker44 Posts: 172
    I have been doing a biggest loser contest with some buddies across the country. We started about 6-8 weeks ago, I can't recall. I was doing a little bit in December, but I am down almost 30 pounds from mid December.

    I started p90x this past Monday, and just finished Kempo. Tough workouts, I'm looking to kick it into overdrive and leave my buddies in the dust
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    Alright guys.....just finished my awesome hoorah weekend of binge eating before my diet...figured i would eat sum of my favorite foods now cuz after the diet i probably wont touch them except for once a year lol....so friday night roomy and myself, along with my awesome girl went downtown to cali pizza kitchen(healthier pizza i might want to add), we split a thai crunch salad(one of the best salads ive ever had too), and a Jamaican Jerk chicken pizza...it was delicious, then we went to Ricks Desert dinner downtown as well where they make hundred of cakes and pies a day, it was delicious as always(ill miss you ricks). We went to the bar and yes, I had to have, guinness on draft...yum....goodbye heavy beers.....Then saturday comes along, breakfast was a small bowl of captain crunch, and a few girl scouts cookies along with coffee....with creamer! lol, lunch was a awesome bbq place which i had beef ribs(they are the best), and fries. dinner was Aldalbertos mexican place which has awesome breakfast burritos, and then desert at leatherbys.....god dam, i bet satuday was a good 5k calorie day.....

    but....this is in the past now....time to eat right, and live a better lifestyle...but im sooooo drinking on St Pattys day...im freakin irish ya know! lol
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