Headed Home?

My son is going back to the hospital, for the third time since he was released after his birth (3 weeks after). He should only be there for a week, until his CF test. There is a slim chance that I may be headed home to help the wife deal with everything. I am hoping not to have to return home on a note like this. With a total of five kids, 1 set preemie twins, 1 18 month old, an 8 year old, and an 11 year old, life is difficult with both two parents helping each other. I can only imagine what she is going through having to do it all alone (we do have family around to help, but the live over an hour away, so it is limited). It is not easy on this end either, when I get the message to call my wife now, God only knows what it is in reference to. Did the 11 year old mess up at school or is she rushing one of the kids to the hospital? With the strain on my family, it might be best if I go home. The reason I say this is; if youve sent me (the DCCC) something it will get rerouted to my stateside address and I will reship it back to you or back over here, whatever you want. If you are planning on sending me (the DCCC) something, wait for a day or two and I will update this thread as much as possible. Thanks... rc
My son is going back to the hospital, for the third time since he was released after his birth (3 weeks after). He should only be there for a week, until his CF test. There is a slim chance that I may be headed home to help the wife deal with everything. I am hoping not to have to return home on a note like this. With a total of five kids, 1 set preemie twins, 1 18 month old, an 8 year old, and an 11 year old, life is difficult with both two parents helping each other. I can only imagine what she is going through having to do it all alone (we do have family around to help, but the live over an hour away, so it is limited). It is not easy on this end either, when I get the message to call my wife now, God only knows what it is in reference to. Did the 11 year old mess up at school or is she rushing one of the kids to the hospital? With the strain on my family, it might be best if I go home. The reason I say this is; if youve sent me (the DCCC) something it will get rerouted to my stateside address and I will reship it back to you or back over here, whatever you want. If you are planning on sending me (the DCCC) something, wait for a day or two and I will update this thread as much as possible. Thanks... rc
see you in the states
The timing on this is precious - I just PM'd you to know I shipped the box of cutters I pledged to the DCCC today. LOL NO BIG DEAL! If you do end up going home (and I will be praying you do) and the package gets re-routed to you stateside, take out anything you like, box up the rest and ship it off to whoever takes over as NCOIC, DCCC. :-)
And if there's anything we can do to help out you or the family until you get back, just say so. Im not sure where "home" is when you're not in the sandbox???
I appreciate the well wishes and prayers. They are always useful to my family. They unit is not sure if they are going to, and if they are, when, release me. We are trying. To find a program for financial assistance through the military to get a night nurse to help her until I get there. No word on anything yet though. Thanks for the thoughts.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Another PM to you.
First, thanks so much for all of your heartfelt concern (not to be confused with the beads) and prayers, they are/were/will be much appreciated. While I was home they tested both my son (Ryan) and daughter (Seren (pronounced like the gas)) using the sweat chloride test.
Seren sweat enough to test on the second test (and was cleared two days later Yeaaah!). Ryan went through the test four times and never sweat enough. My wife and I made the decision not to put him through it again. I called the insurance and told them that there would be no more testing done on my children.
My pediatrician told me the blood test was very hard on preemie babies of their size because of the amount of blood they have to take. I have been asked to leave the room when my kids get shots/have blood taken, because I've told a nurse that I wanted to hit something while she was taking blood from my middle daughter. So I figured I didn't want them taking this much blood.
This week my wife is getting her blood tested. If she is a carrier then I will get mine tested from over here. Like I have been asking them to do for MONTHS!
I am currently back with my unit in Qatar. While I'd much rather be home with my family, I am needed here more (also by my family (if that makes sense)). So, back to the grind. Day after tomorrow DCCC meets and I can't wait, had some issues with unauthorized smoking of the DCCC cigars while I was gone, so the humi was moved to my room. Anyways, thanks again for all the concern and prayers, the whole Warmack Family thanks you (RC, Amanda, Hannah, Hayley, Analeigh, Seren, and last but not least RC Jr.)
Not necessary, but welcomed and appreciated just the same!
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, and a special thanks to Boyd who helped me out, more than he will ever know,on this scary investigation into the health of my children.
Dude, I'm so happy for you guys right now. If you have the time, take some time for yourself with an awesome smoke and just chill, relax and reflect when you get the chance. Its been a hectic few months so you've earned it.