
Has any one heard from him? I sent him a box of probly 100 cigars many months ago, never heard from him and he seems to have disapeared from the board. I cant help but fear the worst.
maybe it is about time we have a "bad traders" thread. I dont wanna but at the same time i dont want to see people get burned. (unless they are trying to nub some cigar)
All that said - I hope he is safe & just busy serving our Country!
& no one should ever wait that long before saying something.
A week or 2 of no contact & posting an "Is Everything OK?"
thread gives a heads up to others just incase he is working the room. There have been guys that have worked several sites at once & then dropped off the face of the Earth.
Sucks but you have to be careful!
There is a bad traders list that covers all the boards - name should be added to that list as well.
Thanks for letting know what was going on -
I didn't understand what was going on!
I hope he's safe & smoking cigars with his buddys!!!!