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Make A Wish (read first post)



  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    I will get your MAW out today.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    I have no wish actually, but the title I figured the most appropriate to shout out my own personal life news, as my wish over the last 9 months came true on Friday night as my wife delievered our brand new baby girl Paige----happy and healthy, 6 and a half pounds. Sorry it had nothing to do with cigars, but the dad here just wants to shout it from the mountaintop so to speak. Have a good one all.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I have no wish actually, but the title I figured the most appropriate to shout out my own personal life news, as my wish over the last 9 months came true on Friday night as my wife delievered our brand new baby girl Paige----happy and healthy, 6 and a half pounds. Sorry it had nothing to do with cigars, but the dad here just wants to shout it from the mountaintop so to speak. Have a good one all.
    Congratulations! Anyone get you a box of cigars?? ;)

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    I have no wish actually, but the title I figured the most appropriate to shout out my own personal life news, as my wish over the last 9 months came true on Friday night as my wife delievered our brand new baby girl Paige----happy and healthy, 6 and a half pounds. Sorry it had nothing to do with cigars, but the dad here just wants to shout it from the mountaintop so to speak. Have a good one all.

    Congrats Vulchor! Kids are fun and challenging!

    All, I got Joz3r out his sticks this week. He should have them friday or monday! In the mean time, I will be thinking about what I want for my MAW!
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    I have no wish actually, but the title I figured the most appropriate to shout out my own personal life news, as my wish over the last 9 months came true on Friday night as my wife delievered our brand new baby girl Paige----happy and healthy, 6 and a half pounds. Sorry it had nothing to do with cigars, but the dad here just wants to shout it from the mountaintop so to speak. Have a good one all.
    Congratulations! Anyone get you a box of cigars?? ;)
    Im afraid no Krieg....those dirty b@stards-----but I have no trouble getting my own when wanted, so how bad can I really feel:)
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    I have no wish actually, but the title I figured the most appropriate to shout out my own personal life news, as my wish over the last 9 months came true on Friday night as my wife delievered our brand new baby girl Paige----happy and healthy, 6 and a half pounds. Sorry it had nothing to do with cigars, but the dad here just wants to shout it from the mountaintop so to speak. Have a good one all.

    Congrats Vulchor! Kids are fun and challenging!

    All, I got Joz3r out his sticks this week. He should have them friday or monday! In the mean time, I will be thinking about what I want for my MAW!
    All clear for the wishing buddy. Thanks for the Nub Maduros, they look pretty good and I can't wait to spark one up.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    Alrighty then, I was going to wish for some MOW, but I ordered those yesterday so thats out!

    I am going to have to ponder this one for a while. I should have a postiing up later today.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    Alright, didnt have to ponder long.

    How bout either Cuban Cabinet or 5 Vegas A.
  • brsmith21brsmith21 Posts: 207
    I can do the 5 Vegas A. PM me your info and I'll get them out to you.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    PM sent
  • brsmith21brsmith21 Posts: 207
    Package en route with tracking in PM. Let me know once you receive and I'll post my wish. Thanks!
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    Thank you sir I will let you know when they come in.
    I may be a day or two behind as my father in law passed away yesterday. But I the package tracks as delivered, I will post it and you can move forward with your wish!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I have no wish actually, but the title I figured the most appropriate to shout out my own personal life news, as my wish over the last 9 months came true on Friday night as my wife delievered our brand new baby girl Paige----happy and healthy, 6 and a half pounds. Sorry it had nothing to do with cigars, but the dad here just wants to shout it from the mountaintop so to speak. Have a good one all.

    Congrats Vulchor! Kids are fun and challenging!

    All, I got Joz3r out his sticks this week. He should have them friday or monday! In the mean time, I will be thinking about what I want for my MAW!
    All clear for the wishing buddy. Thanks for the Nub Maduros, they look pretty good and I can't wait to spark one up.
    glad you got your wish granted, finally... =) I just ordered 2 maduros so I'm hoping I like them.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    Thank you sir I will let you know when they come in.
    I may be a day or two behind as my father in law passed away yesterday. But I the package tracks as delivered, I will post it and you can move forward with your wish!

    All, The box arrived today to my work address.
    I am out of work this week and will grab them over the weekend. BRSmith is a standup guy so I think it is OK to let him start his wishing.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Thank you sir I will let you know when they come in.
    I may be a day or two behind as my father in law passed away yesterday. But I the package tracks as delivered, I will post it and you can move forward with your wish!

    Sorry about your father in law four - your in our prayers -hope everyone is ok
  • brsmith21brsmith21 Posts: 207
    Thank you sir I will let you know when they come in.
    I may be a day or two behind as my father in law passed away yesterday. But I the package tracks as delivered, I will post it and you can move forward with your wish!

    All, The box arrived today to my work address.
    I am out of work this week and will grab them over the weekend. BRSmith is a standup guy so I think it is OK to let him start his wishing.
    Thanks, Four; hope you enjoy the smokes and sorry to hear about your father-in law as well.
    Here's a few things I've been wanting to try:
    Nica Libre
    5 Vegas Limitada 07 or 09
  • brsmith21brsmith21 Posts: 207
    Going out of town until Sunday. If no replies, I'll append the wish list Sunday night. Until then, happy smoking!
  • brsmith21brsmith21 Posts: 207
    Okay, no bites so far, I'll add the following to the original list:
    Tatuaje Miami
    Xikar (any)
    Punch Grand Cru
    Ashton Heritage
    DPG Vegas Cubanas
    Cohiba XV or Puro
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Wish granted! I can get you some Xikar Defiances, just shoot me a PM with your mailing info.
  • brsmith21brsmith21 Posts: 207
    Thanks! PM sent.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    Thank you sir I will let you know when they come in.
    I may be a day or two behind as my father in law passed away yesterday. But I the package tracks as delivered, I will post it and you can move forward with your wish!

    All, The box arrived today to my work address.
    I am out of work this week and will grab them over the weekend. BRSmith is a standup guy so I think it is OK to let him start his wishing.
    Thanks, Four; hope you enjoy the smokes and sorry to hear about your father-in law as well.
    Here's a few things I've been wanting to try:
    Nica Libre
    5 Vegas Limitada 07 or 09

    I came back to work today to find not only my MAW in my package from BRSmith, but four additional cigars in there, three of which I have been wanting to try!
    Two of the three I have been dying to try! I cannot wait to dig into these!

    Thanks BRSmith!
  • brsmith21brsmith21 Posts: 207
    Got my MAW package from Alienmisprint today. Got some Xicars I've been wanting to try and three others, two of which are new to me that I've wanted to try and one favorite. Thanks! Time to make a wish, Tony.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Awesome, glad everything got there okay. As for my wish, any of these would be nice:

    CAO Vision
    Cabaiguan by Tatuaje
    La Riqueza by Tatuaje
    Joya de Nicaragua Celebracion
    Joya de Nicaragua Classico
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    Ive got none of these.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    I actually recieved a few of these today, and the list has been up for a few days, so here is the revised list:

    CAO Vision
    Joya de Nicaragua Classico
    Fire by Indian Tabac
    Rocky Patel I-Press
    Nica Libre
    G.A.R. by George Rico
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    How did the N.C. trip go Tony ...pick up any good smokes ? Hope everyone was well ...
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    As well as can be expected. I didn't really get around to any shops or anything, just went up for a couple of days to see my father, his health is waning. It was nice to be back around home for a couple of days though, even though I was just there in April.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    As well as can be expected. I didn't really get around to any shops or anything, just went up for a couple of days to see my father, his health is waning. It was nice to be back around home for a couple of days though, even though I was just there in April.

    Hope he has many more years left with ya Tony ...
  • betasynnbetasynn Posts: 1,249
    I can send you the GARs if you'd like! Just let me know VIA PM, I have three of 'em for you...
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    As well as can be expected. I didn't really get around to any shops or anything, just went up for a couple of days to see my father, his health is waning. It was nice to be back around home for a couple of days though, even though I was just there in April.

    Hope he has many more years left with ya Tony ...
    Me too, but it isn't looking too good right now. They should be getting some test results back tomorrow, hopefully we will know more then. I appreciate the well wishes though, how are you doing since your cardio-malfunction?
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