Ozzy Osbourne Lives!
Seriousley Finally Ozzy Made it to the show in Reno nevada that he cancelled on my birthday back In Jan.
This was my 26th time to See the Madman Live 9first being in 1977 with the Original Black Sabbath.... and belive it or not he was in the best shape ive seen him in Years! Remarkable! 2 Hours and By far the loudest concert I have been to in Years! My head was actually vibrating when we left and my ears were still ringing late into the next day! **** EH!
This is What Rock and Roll is about.... Not some HUGE ass Fancy Show with perfectly tweeked sound ... Its walls of Amps and Mind Numbing Metal Jammin!.. I shot most of the show on Video using my HD video on the droid and Video on my Minolta.... You can check out all the videos on my You Tube sight
heres a Sample of some of the Pictures I shot..... I was Center stage row 16..... Damn good Seats!

I have learned alot about People and those i thought were my intenet and personal Friends latley.........
Enjoy the Videos
This was my 26th time to See the Madman Live 9first being in 1977 with the Original Black Sabbath.... and belive it or not he was in the best shape ive seen him in Years! Remarkable! 2 Hours and By far the loudest concert I have been to in Years! My head was actually vibrating when we left and my ears were still ringing late into the next day! **** EH!
This is What Rock and Roll is about.... Not some HUGE ass Fancy Show with perfectly tweeked sound ... Its walls of Amps and Mind Numbing Metal Jammin!.. I shot most of the show on Video using my HD video on the droid and Video on my Minolta.... You can check out all the videos on my You Tube sight
heres a Sample of some of the Pictures I shot..... I was Center stage row 16..... Damn good Seats!

I have learned alot about People and those i thought were my intenet and personal Friends latley.........
Enjoy the Videos
Have you read Off the Rails by Rudy Sarzo? Great read - it gave great insight into those first two Blizzard of Oz tours that I haven't really found any good info about anywhere else.
I would have been at the Big four if it wasnt for Ozzys Show..... How was it? here was people in front of me my AGE WITH THIER KIDS, I TOOK mY SON TO sEE oZZY TWICE FORST TIME HE WAS 9.... lol
LOL Ive seen metalica 15 times and have a nice scar on my forehead from the And Justice for all tour banging my head on a steel fence for whom the bell tolls...... LOL there were chemicals involved......
I have seen megadeath like 9 times but Mustain was always Trashed and they sucked just about every time..... SLayer... 3 times and at Ozzfest they had the BIGGEST Circle Pit next to Lamb of God I have ever seen... looked like a hurricane of people! LOL Glad you got to see them ! Always a Plus in Life to see Bands that you grew up with !
Who was on guitar on this tour?
None that I know of all i know is he is quite possibly the best guitarsist Ive seen live since Randy Rhodes and he was with Ozzy as well..... OZZY IS THE MAN !