Losing my F***ing mind

Just a quick rant.
So work continues to go down hill with all the good workers leaving, my insurance is *** and keeps bouncing out on payments, I get paid less than half the standard for my job ( bonus every 3 months to make up for it, but that hasn't happened since last June ), got to work out a way to pay for the baby thats coming and all the baby stuff we need, only have a ford ranger trying to sell my harley to get a more family car but it aint selling, and no money to spend on anything apart from food and bills let alone cigars.
rant is over the last few months have sucked.
So work continues to go down hill with all the good workers leaving, my insurance is *** and keeps bouncing out on payments, I get paid less than half the standard for my job ( bonus every 3 months to make up for it, but that hasn't happened since last June ), got to work out a way to pay for the baby thats coming and all the baby stuff we need, only have a ford ranger trying to sell my harley to get a more family car but it aint selling, and no money to spend on anything apart from food and bills let alone cigars.
rant is over the last few months have sucked.
After he was born, I busted my ass and was lucky enough to find a job within a month or two and have been here there since. I know the stress of trying to prepare for a baby, especially when you're short on funds. But things always seem to work out in the end and I'm sure they will for you. Shoot me a PM if u ever wanna talk.
"Long ashes my friends."
Looking back on it almost 15 years later, I'll be damned if he wasnt right.
Said all that to say this - keep your head my brother. One way or another, things are going to work out. This is gonna end up being another one of those times I get to tell a fellow BOTL "I told you so!".
That never gets old for me... :-)
Does your state have anything like WIC (women, infant children)? We used them for our infant when i was laid off - helped with formula etc. That's why it's there - you paid into it, take advantage of it if you can when you need it.
You/your wife (whichever one take care of the grocery shopping) should check out www.southernsavers.com.
It's a pain in the ass to start at first, but it's worth it. For about a month you wont see any savings, but will be stocking up on food. After that you see your spend DROP.