The Birth Cert drama..... my .02

I'm not a "birther" by any means. I couldn't care one way or the other about Obama's birth certificate. The whole thing has been a circus for the past 3 years, in my opinion. At times, things made me say "hmmmmm" other times I laughed and shook my head. Whether Obama was born here or not is kind of a moot point. He's been president for the past three years and him being impeached over a B.C. snafu at this point doesn't wipe the slate clean of the damage he's done.....
All that being said, the way this whole thing unfolded was enough to make me say "hmmmmm" again. Mr. Trump puts himself out there as another whackadoo birther and demands to see it. People laugh and point and the circus goes on, right? Well, this time things got weird. A poll came out and it turns out this whole silly "circus" has been enough to somehow convince the average american voter that Obama "might not be a citizen" Hmmmmm. Interesting. Now you got Billy Daley thinking, We need to plug up the proverbial blow hole on this thing once and for all. It's spiraling out of control and we got a looming election to consider. Then, BAM! next day: B.C. surfaces.... Wow. Really? That simple? Maybe. You'd think if it were that easy, they woulda done it during the 2008 campaign when Hillary Clinton first brought the controversy to the spotlight, right? Saving us three years of madness and hoopla. I don't know. I still think there's more than meets the eye here.
It might just be good 'ol political football tossing at it's finest. But at the end of the day, Mr. Trump owes Obama "two for flinching".......
All that being said, the way this whole thing unfolded was enough to make me say "hmmmmm" again. Mr. Trump puts himself out there as another whackadoo birther and demands to see it. People laugh and point and the circus goes on, right? Well, this time things got weird. A poll came out and it turns out this whole silly "circus" has been enough to somehow convince the average american voter that Obama "might not be a citizen" Hmmmmm. Interesting. Now you got Billy Daley thinking, We need to plug up the proverbial blow hole on this thing once and for all. It's spiraling out of control and we got a looming election to consider. Then, BAM! next day: B.C. surfaces.... Wow. Really? That simple? Maybe. You'd think if it were that easy, they woulda done it during the 2008 campaign when Hillary Clinton first brought the controversy to the spotlight, right? Saving us three years of madness and hoopla. I don't know. I still think there's more than meets the eye here.
It might just be good 'ol political football tossing at it's finest. But at the end of the day, Mr. Trump owes Obama "two for flinching".......
Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..