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  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    I retired the Chuck Norris drawers ......its a long story.
    some people have superman undies.... superman has chuck norris undies.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    I retired the Chuck Norris drawers ......its a long story.
    some people have superman undies.... superman has chuck norris undies.

    Chuck Norris doesnt wear underwear....he invented going "Commando"!!!!
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    I retired the Chuck Norris drawers ......its a long story.
    some people have superman undies.... superman has chuck norris undies.

    Chuck Norris doesnt wear underwear....he invented going "Commando"!!!!
    Really? I thought that was Robert Plant!
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    I retired the Chuck Norris drawers ......its a long story.
    some people have superman undies.... superman has chuck norris undies.

    Chuck Norris doesnt wear underwear....he invented going "Commando"!!!!
    Chuck Norris can't wear underwear ....

    He once challenged Lance Armstrong to a "Who has more testicles?" contest ... Chuck won by 5.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947

    The boogie man makes his mama look under the bed for Chuck Norris before he goes to bed.....

  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947

    Chuck Norris doesn't hunt - he sends a list into the woods and the listed critters walk out and lay down at his feet.

  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Christopher Reeves is one of the only people to have survived a Chuck Norris Roundhouse kick.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer underwear.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer underwear.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer underwear.
    Chuck Norris was thought of first to play Jack Bauer in 24.... till the producers realized that the season would then only be able to be 17 minutes long.

    Chuck Norris doesn't hunt - he sends a list into the woods and the listed critters walk out and lay down at his feet.

    Chuck Norris Doesnt HUNT. the word "hunt" implies failure. Chuck Norris KILLS.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    When god said "let there be light", Chuck Norris said "Say Please"!!
  • And on the 7th day God rested and looked upon the earth and said, "HOLY ***! IS THAT CHUCK NORRIS?!?"

    That last business trip you went on, Chuck Norris **** your wife. Tough ***!

    Chuck Norris can stop time for up to two hours simply by thinking of Pineapples.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands, when he left they were just known as the Islands.

    Chuck Norris can divide by 0, sneeze with his eyes open AND eat just one Lay's potato chip.

    Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭

    Chuck Norris doesn't hunt - he sends a list into the woods and the listed critters walk out and lay down at his feet.

    There is no such thing as evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    chuck norris can speak braille
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee, it has nothing to do with ancestry the man ate a f**king Indian.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I always wanted to see chuck take on steven seagal and van damm
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    I always wanted to see chuck take on steven seagal and van damm
    Well all Seagull can do is flap his hands around and he's too fat to move anymore. And Van Damme is Canadian...nuff siad.
  • urbinourbino Posts: 4,517
    These Filthy Hands:
    Chuck Norris can stop time for up to two hours simply by thinking of Pineapples.
    Chuck Norris can divide by 0.

    Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee, it has nothing to do with ancestry the man ate a f**king Indian.
    The winners.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    chuck norris makes onions cry.
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