It's a little know fact that Barack's family name was originally spelled "O'Bama" but a bureaucrat at the hospital where Barack was born thought the apostrophe was a speck of fly doo and eliminated it from his last name, forever changing "O'Bama" to "Obama".
The O'Bama clan were among the original Irish who came to be known as the "Black Irish".
Great, Great Great, Great Gandpappy "Baroque O'Bama"

At any rate, I lol'd; funny stuff
I was specifically referring to his remark about Obama's place of birth being Kenya. Some people just won't accept facts. I think it is in poor taste to continue to perpetrate this lie. I also think that green is NOT his color.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Also, that birth certificate is suspect. Not saying it's fake, just that it was incredible timing that he released it when he knew he had Bin Laden, virtually to the day. Either he is Irish and he has an @$$ made of shamrocks, or....
To Laker - Now you're just getting pathetic! It's one thing to debate a political issue, but to intentionally grab a single element of a JOKE and get ridiculously offended is entirely petty and childish - yes, I said childish. That is not meant as a simple jab; I mean that I literally view your actions as those of a child with nothing better to do but perpetuate drama for attention. PLEASE grow up, at least in this regard.
To Geno - Really, so now you're advocating a double standard? I understand the point you're trying to make here, but all you're really doing is excusing one behavior in favor of another. If YOU want to view things as racial, fine, but don't assume that everybody else shares your point of view - they don't, any more than everybody shares mine. I understand you were coming from the the other side of this equation, but either way in this instance you are making the same kind of argument that one does when comparing white discrimination to black discrimination, in that it's 'just not the same'.
So many times I bite my tongue reading threads in this forum, because I know in all reality it makes no difference what my input is, but in this case I am just flabbergasted at the kind of response an entirely lighthearted joke has caused here.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Why did my response to him get your panties in such a knot anyway? Some MAY find the "birther" issue still relevant (if it ever was) and some may find jokes about it funny. SOME may not. I include myself in that category as well as other posters did. You just selected two out of us to respond to in this fashion. If my view of funny is different from yours then I'm OK with that and I can express that without resorting to silly name calling. Why can't you Hays?
I actually thought my question to him was funnier then his "joke" and I said I thought that the picture was funny too. Maybe you need to lighten up yourself. I tried to explain over and over but you either missed it or chose to ignore it. At any rate I'm done with this silliness.
I was going to respond more to your post, but I decided to check your bio, saw your age, and just decided against it.
To Laker.. I recognize you said you're 'done with this silliness', but I reckon you'll probably still read this comment. If it makes you feel better to assume no logic in my opinion, by all means have at it. I explained my point clearly, and there is a difference between 'petty name calling' and legitimate opinion based on interaction and experience - the latter is exactly where I'm coming from. Your response was simply to backpedal...well, sure why not. I'm genuinely sorry you seem to consider yourself superior because of this (and apparently your age), but hopefully something at some point will open your eyes.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨