Headed home for the last time...

I regret to inform you gentlemen that I am leaving my duty in Qatar. I will be handing over the reigns of the DCCC to Bip (Morgan) in the next two weeks. I will still be running controlling fundraisers, and raising money for the DCCC and trying to get it turned into a legit not for profit. I will not be running anywhere for a while, I have a tear in my ankle and they are sending me home for surgery. I have debated with the decision to stay and risk more and permanent damage, or go home earlier than I wanted to. I have come to the conclusion that staying here is in no way, shape, or form good for my ankle. If I stayed I'd be on crutches for the next 5.5 months and that is inconceivable. A cane doesn't mitigate enough weight. My wife doesn't understand why it took me so long to debate the decision. The number one reason I made the decision was my health. A close #2 was the fact that my 1SG decided he wanted to question my integrity and lump me in with the @ssholes who are TRYING to get out of this deployment using bogus medical excuses. Unfortunately mine is legitimate. This does mean I will get to start another DCCC chapter though (just looking for that silver lining)!
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Hope things are not permanently damaged
You never know I might get routed through Balad again!
EVERYONE ELSE: You don't know how much that means to me. I am a career soldier and do not take decisions like this lightly. You can ask Bip, this was probably the most difficult decision I've made in ears and it is nice to have support coming in from somewhere if not from my 1SG! I appreciate all the well wishes and prayers, they always help. Hopefully I will be home and recuoped enough to make a few HERFS by the end of the year. As for JC I am definately looking forward to a few stateside HERFs with you. And just remember, none of you are safe I am taking my collection with me!
Safe home and thank you for your service.