.....the ever-shifting war on tobacco.

They actually printed that, "war on tobacco".
I literally laughed out loud about this for a good 5 mins.
... to stop the war on drugs....
gunna let my Libertarian show a bit even though i try to stay out of the political threads.
Drugs are a Victimless crime. if i smoke weed, or heroine, or crack, who am i hurting?
only myself. since i own my body, i am not capable of violating my own rights.
if i hurt someone while on those drugs, it is not the drug to blame. it is me for not being responsible enough to handle my life.
Im not saying crack should be legal, but it should not be as illegal. it should be treated not like a crime (as it is now) but as an addiction. the most successful drug policies focus on treatment, not law enforcement. throwing the town drunk in jail till he is sober wont get him off the sauce in the long term. a program that deals with addiction has a much higher success rate.
how does my rant deal with tobacco?
tobacco is a drug as well.
i am not hurting anyone by using it.
i am not violating my own rights. the Tobacco company is not forcing me to buy tobacco,* I am doing it because i want to buy it.
*though there was this one time that Alex forced me to smoke an Armada.
its cool though. i thanked him for it later.
+100 (unless you are on some cake @$$ deployment...*achem*)
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
What about car wrecks involving people high on pot? Or people who are very irritable without it? Don't be selective just because you enjoy it.