Bad traders list?

I have recently become aware of several lists which are out there for use by people who have been ripped off in a deal involving cigars or accessories. These lists seem to be a useful tool to weed out scumbags and scammers.
I wonder if anyone out there thinks this would be a useful addition to this forum? I have become involved in one such transaction (scam) and I would like to stop others from also getting burned.
If you guys think it is a good idea I would volunteer to maintain/update this list on an on-going basis for the forum members here. Any comments / suggestions ?
I wonder if anyone out there thinks this would be a useful addition to this forum? I have become involved in one such transaction (scam) and I would like to stop others from also getting burned.
If you guys think it is a good idea I would volunteer to maintain/update this list on an on-going basis for the forum members here. Any comments / suggestions ?
No Pheob's, this was an E-bay deal from some time ago. I was just surfing and came across a list, then another and I thought that with the recent episode happening here maybe it would be something that the BOTL here would appreciate. Maybe not thou...
The list I saw published the offender's name, e-mail accounts used, alias's, and address if known.
Well.....that answers that question ROFLMAO!!
"Long ashes my friends."
Anyhow I should have mentioned when I asked about this that I was not thinking only of transactions here but that this list could serve all the BOTL here because let's face it we all do deals other places as well. This list would also serve to protect people who deal outside of these forums.
Perhaps a better way to go would be to just post a link from time to time to the list' that are already out there ?
I don't....i'm a one forum kinda guy...not that there's anything wrong with that!
UMM this refers to the last three posters... I was refferring to where we aquire our smokes NOT what forum we visit. I
I too only visit this forum. These lists are not part of other forums.
Did I say something to lead you to think I was talking about forums?
I think I will just let this whole thing drop.
Shane Kelly
1836 east spring st
new albany, indiana 47150
This loser highjacked a mini pass we did here.