Help one of our clients

Hey guys, one of our most loyal clients is in a contest to be a local MMA ring girl. She has two full sleeves, both her feet, both sides of her chest, behind both ears, and just started her backpiece, all done at Year of the Monkey, by Kevin. The three girls with the most "likes" will be ring girls, I'd appreciate any help you guys can provide. I have already told her the picture she submitted sucks ass, but you can scroll down the conversation and click on her FB page to see better pics of her, she is quite pretty. You need to "like" the LA MMA Facebook page, then click "like" on her picture, found here:
LA MMA Facebook Page
Amber's Entry
LA MMA Facebook Page
Amber's Entry
Anyway, if there's any other way to do it, please let me know.
Sorry, there isn't any "like" button anywhere near the top of the page - or anywhere that I can see. Oh, well, C'est la Vie.....