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  • urbinourbino Posts: 4,517
    Sure, absolutely. But Ccom doesn't always have what you're looking for. (Boxes of Classics right now, for instance.)
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    They must be pretty popular. E -mail Alex Svenson, Vice president, I know his info is right here in the members listing. Or call any of the account managers and they will let you know when they get some. Like I said they really go all out with customer satisfaction. He will read this and you will get a reply.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Sure, absolutely. But Ccom doesn't always have what you're looking for. (Boxes of Classics right now, for instance.)
    its amazing what you can get out of cigar.com if you ask. even if it isnt listed on their list-o-brands they may have it if you call up and ask. ...that reminds me...
    there is a cigar i should ask them about.... hmmmm

    next paycheck.
  • urbinourbino Posts: 4,517
    Okay, I'll keep that in mind next time. Thanks for the "insider" info, guys.
  • urbinourbino Posts: 4,517
    I'm starting to get a little self-conscious about the amount of posting I'm doing. These boards move a bit slower than others I visit. (Plus, I'm newly back to cigars, and prolly a little jacked up.)
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    I'm starting to get a little self-conscious about the amount of posting I'm doing. These boards move a bit slower than others I visit. (Plus, I'm newly back to cigars, and prolly a little jacked up.)
    I wouldn't worry too much about it. Forums are meant to be posted on. Plus, its good that you're enthusiastic about this, it breathes life into the forums. I think its safe to say we all enjoy some good discussion.

    Oh, and you've got a long way to go to catch up to madurofan, he's the posting king around these parts.

  • ashmasterashmaster Posts: 237
    Mikey T, tobacmon, RushN, wasserloes, & urbino.....Welcome all to the Forum. Sorry for not welcoming you sooner, just not been able to keep up with postings lately. Hopefully you will enjoy the forum as much as I.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Yea definetly don't get self-conscious about it. I exploded on to these forums and as Joe said I'm the most active poster on here along with kuzi. I love soaking up as much knowledge as I can and sharing what I've learned. As well as getting people's opinions on what I like to smoke, how I store it and how I smoke it. The people on this forum make you think about what you're doing and always have some good input. Hell I just went from thinking the temp ur cigars were stored at didn't matter that much to I just bought a 48 bottle wine fridge to make sure they don't get too warm.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    this forum will drag you deeper into cigar addiction.

    its great.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Great for everthing but the budget, lol. You started your hunt for a craigslist wine fridge yet kuzi?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    i have a vacation comming up in the next two weeks so.... maybe after that.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Hey me too! Thats why I bought the fridge now so I didn't have to worry while I was gone. Where you heading? I'll be in the mountains, no cell phone, no internet, no tv. Scary but its what we need bc if I even have my blackberry then I'd be working.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    im going up the UP.

    thats right, upper paninsula Michagan. I booked a hotel in Munising and ill take day trips from there. Munising also has the pictured rocks. im sure ill spend at least one day on the trail along the cliffs there. I also wanna get up to marquette for a day or so. I may even spend a day on the beach in Escanaba. I should be in mackinack for some fireworks over the bridge. I love the UP.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Sounds like a good time bro. Hope you enjoy it.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Hope you enjoy it.
    ... me too.
  • urbinourbino Posts: 4,517
    Yes, enjoy. And thanks for the reassurance.

    On the fridge front, Target has the 28-bottle Vinotemp on sale for $130 right now. Sale ends Saturday. Get 'em while they're hot! er, cold!
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Still doesn't beat my 48 bottle for $60 :-P LOL even if it is ugly. LOL no that sounds like a good deal.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    $60 makes it look a lot less ugly
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Funny how that works isn't it?
    By the way kuzi you are like a drive by shooter man. You are never in the list of people that are "online" yet I'll randomly see one of your posts appear, dammit man. lol
  • BFGarnerBFGarner Posts: 96
    Hi, Im new I just started smoking cigars 3 weeks ago. So far my favorites are the Maker's Mark 10th anniversary and the Nub Connecticut 460. Yummy
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    BF, I've posted to you before but welcome none the less. Glad to see another nub fan on board. You see my two in the picture? Did you see the story on those?
  • BFGarnerBFGarner Posts: 96
    Oh yeah I did. It made me jealous. With my limited experience the NUB is the only cigar that has made me be like, "Wow, this is what a cigar should taste like." Now if only I knew the proper pronunciation......
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    its a nub just like you think it should be pronounced. LOL however the guys at my loacal B&M call it the New-Bay, because it is too good to be called a nub lol
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Lets hurry up and get you up to 25 so tomorrow when I ask who wants to be my mooch you can respond! i got some extra nubs laying around ;) YOU ARE NOT GETTING ONE OF THE CUSTOMS THOUGH!
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    By the way where in Kentucky are you? I'm supposed to go to Peducha soon. Where the hell is peducha too lol.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Lets hurry up and get you up to 25 so tomorrow when I ask who wants to be my mooch you can respond! i got some extra nubs laying around ;) YOU ARE NOT GETTING ONE OF THE CUSTOMS THOUGH!
    HA! ...twice actually.

    is there a rule about forcing posts to get in on the PIF? or some kinda system to prevent someone taking advantage of this system ?

    no accusations though... just a passing thought.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Lets hurry up and get you up to 25 so tomorrow when I ask who wants to be my mooch you can respond! i got some extra nubs laying around ;) YOU ARE NOT GETTING ONE OF THE CUSTOMS THOUGH!
    how do you know im not gunna be the one mooching? eh?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    damnit.... i cant mooch yet. i just did. i thought it was longer ago. poo.
  • BFGarnerBFGarner Posts: 96
    lol Im from Northern Kentucky about 15 minutes South of Cincinnati. Paducah is way down in KY. Ive never been there though lol FYI Northern Kentucky is very different than the rest of Kentucky. We wear shoes We don't have accents As for me rushing to 25 posts. I'll get there when I get there. I suspect I'll be using these boards for a long time to come. However feel free to keep a Nub handy for me though in case I ever legally win one of these contests or something.
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    i think there was a rule against post padding, LOL. I was just kidding around. Thanks for the compliment kuz you just mooched off of me and are ready to have at it again, must've done something right :). You are in need of a nub or two to try aren't ya?
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