The End is Here

Thank Everyone for their wishes, prayers, kind words, ect. over the last 18 months. My father died this morning around 630am with my mother by his side. I am back at home now with her and my little (17yoa) sister and we are doing as much healing, crying, laughing, and planning as possible. As he smoked cigarettes for 30+ years it was not the biggest shock----but it was what it was. He has been a great man and if no one minds----I'll give him a little paragraph here on a fitting cigar forum, lol, since he hated the damn sticks so much.
My old man was 58 yrs old. He was Type 1 Diabetic since he was 12 years old. From 5 insulin shots a day, to the pump he has had for the last 10 years or so to the time he was thrown in the drunk tank and almost died (from a diabetic sugar reaction, not booze). He moved me into college ,into my first apartment, and into my home with my wife and kids (I did help some, lol). He had a toe amputated 4 years ago, 3 back surgeries, 2 broken legs, broken ribs, broken arm, and a fractured foot that I gave him after watching Karate Kid for the first time. He should have died from this months ago, and CERTAINLY should have died about 2 weeks ago after not eating, drinking, or urinating for 3 days----but as he always did, he came back. Well, not today but as I told him last time I saw him....the cancer didnt beat him, he didnt lose the fight, he just said f' it as he would alot of things in life and did things his way
I could write forever and more and more, but that is enough for now----until I start crying again I guess. Thanks for everything again here folks and somewhere in heaven (if its there, and today I have to believe it is) the Jimmy Buffett music and sweet tea is flowin a plenty.
My old man was 58 yrs old. He was Type 1 Diabetic since he was 12 years old. From 5 insulin shots a day, to the pump he has had for the last 10 years or so to the time he was thrown in the drunk tank and almost died (from a diabetic sugar reaction, not booze). He moved me into college ,into my first apartment, and into my home with my wife and kids (I did help some, lol). He had a toe amputated 4 years ago, 3 back surgeries, 2 broken legs, broken ribs, broken arm, and a fractured foot that I gave him after watching Karate Kid for the first time. He should have died from this months ago, and CERTAINLY should have died about 2 weeks ago after not eating, drinking, or urinating for 3 days----but as he always did, he came back. Well, not today but as I told him last time I saw him....the cancer didnt beat him, he didnt lose the fight, he just said f' it as he would alot of things in life and did things his way
I could write forever and more and more, but that is enough for now----until I start crying again I guess. Thanks for everything again here folks and somewhere in heaven (if its there, and today I have to believe it is) the Jimmy Buffett music and sweet tea is flowin a plenty.
Sorry to hear this brother, my dad went pretty much the same way 6 years ago.... thanks for sharing a piece of him. Take care bro and if there is anything I can do just give me a shout!
Peace and prayers for you