"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
That sounds like some Alabama Deliverance type shít
That’s a no
Its actually a pretty good movie. Based on Patrick DeWitt's novel, this movie revolves around the gold prospector Hermann Kermit Warm, who's being pursued across one thousand miles of 1850s Oregon desert to San Francisco by the assassins Eli Sisters (John C. Reilly) and Charlie Sisters (Joaquin Phoenix). Except Eli is having a personal crisis and beginning to doubt the longevity of his chosen career.
You're a mean guy, Rusty.
King's speech
For fúcks sake
-- Winston Churchill
No sirs
One Hour Photo
Half Hour Photo

The Sisters Brothers
That sounds like some Alabama Deliverance type shít
That’s a no
No sir
All the Kings Men
Ok, this one is loosely based on a true story and take place in the Pacific Nothwest
Battle in Seattle
Nolite Oblivisci Peniculus Dentes
No sir
You've got mail.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Its actually a pretty good movie. Based on Patrick DeWitt's novel, this movie revolves around the gold prospector Hermann Kermit Warm, who's being pursued across one thousand miles of 1850s Oregon desert to San Francisco by the assassins Eli Sisters (John C. Reilly) and Charlie Sisters (Joaquin Phoenix). Except Eli is having a personal crisis and beginning to doubt the longevity of his chosen career.
The Order
No sir
Deer Hunter
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
No sir
Paw patrol: The Mighty Movie
No sir
The Virtuoso
No sir
I'm beginning to there there is no movie. Rustys just fu**ing with you all.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Maybe it’s p0rn. Cmon @Vision got any g@y p0rn favorites to suggest??
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Not porn, and yes it’s a real movie.