Home Trades, Passes and Bombs




  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    I'm a noob here...semi noob to cigars, but I have a little experience, just not into peppery maduro's yet. My collection is starting to grow, and since I am a big karma guy, i figured I should bomb a vet for no reason. You know...someone who deserves it on this forum because I honestly see some ridiculous bombs around here... Honestly, I do not go far out of my comfort zone in the buying cycle, but pretty much got bit about six months ago for good and now I have no control. Since I am a natural consumer, I figure I'll have plenty of extra's around...as I cannot turn down a good deal. I've honestly added 100+ in the last two months from Ccom, frefilled my old humi, and am looking at coolidor's... So I'll let you guys nominate someone, because when this weeks delivery arrives I'll probably be out of room!
  • OchoZachoOchoZacho Posts: 1,471
    PM sent
  • OchoZachoOchoZacho Posts: 1,471
    Ummm.....should I be scared for some reason??? lol!!
    Maybe yes. But you should also feel very excited. You have been sponsered by one of the best BOTL we have around here.

    Rick has some VERY NICE milder sticks. You should be taken care of very well.

    He has been known to inflict some damage when sending out to people, that was what the concern for you was in this case. Let's just say he likes to make an impression :)
    Never traded with him but I've seen the carnage, err I mean, welcome packs he sends out. Salem, you are in good hands. Rick, play nice :)
  • OchoZachoOchoZacho Posts: 1,471
    Ummm.....should I be scared for some reason??? lol!!
    Maybe yes. But you should also feel very excited. You have been sponsered by one of the best BOTL we have around here.

    Rick has some VERY NICE milder sticks. You should be taken care of very well.

    He has been known to inflict some damage when sending out to people, that was what the concern for you was in this case. Let's just say he likes to make an impression :)
    Never traded with him but I've seen the carnage, err I mean, welcome packs he sends out. Salem, you are in good hands. Rick, play nice :)
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    PM sent
    Ditto I am guessing there is no PM notification lol...
  • CvilleECvilleE Posts: 1,594 ✭✭✭
    Got my end of the newb trade with Toombes yesterday and he really knows how to put a sweet package together. This my 2nd mailbox destroyed by so called Newbs in the past week so the new wave is here...get ready vets! Thanks for the trade Daniel...look forward to more in the future!


  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    Got my end of the newb trade with Toombes yesterday and he really knows how to put a sweet package together. This my 2nd mailbox destroyed by so called Newbs in the past week so the new wave is here...get ready vets! Thanks for the trade Daniel...look forward to more in the future!


    Glad you liked the box. Looking forward to more destruction!
  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Posts: 775
    I can definitely take another noob, so should anyone need a sponsor, PM me and we'll get this going. :)
  • spindriftspindrift Posts: 818 ✭✭
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.


    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • stowggiestowggie Posts: 399
    I'm a newb to the forum but by no means a newb to cigars. I work with joshvoight we talk and smoke cigars all the time. I'm looking to get started doing some trading and he lead me hear and said that you guys rock. So im looking to be sponsored. I like a wide a variety from mild to full bodied. It really doesnt matter I dont set limits when it come to cigars. Thanks in advance and I look forward to getting to know some of you guys and hearing what you think and like. Smoke Em' if you got Em"
  • joshvoigtjoshvoigt Posts: 325
    Lol even though he spelled my name wrong he's a stand up guy. It would be nice if a heavy hitter blew up his mailbox. He's got a good selection and deserves a good sponsor.
  • spindriftspindrift Posts: 818 ✭✭
    I'm a newb to the forum but by no means a newb to cigars. I work with joshvoight we talk and smoke cigars all the time. I'm looking to get started doing some trading and he lead me hear and said that you guys rock. So im looking to be sponsored. I like a wide a variety from mild to full bodied. It really doesnt matter I dont set limits when it come to cigars. Thanks in advance and I look forward to getting to know some of you guys and hearing what you think and like. Smoke Em' if you got Em"
    You work with Josh??? You have our sympathy.......
  • joshvoigtjoshvoigt Posts: 325
    Lol good call Paul. Those poor poor golfers. I'm already down with the neck of that hot sauce. Good stuff. I believe a stork should be dropping something on your door tomorrow. Hopefully it's cigars ;)
  • greg2648greg2648 Posts: 2,440 ✭✭✭
    I'm a newb to the forum but by no means a newb to cigars. I work with joshvoight we talk and smoke cigars all the time. I'm looking to get started doing some trading and he lead me hear and said that you guys rock. So im looking to be sponsored. I like a wide a variety from mild to full bodied. It really doesnt matter I dont set limits when it come to cigars. Thanks in advance and I look forward to getting to know some of you guys and hearing what you think and like. Smoke Em' if you got Em"
    If nobody has a problem with it, I will sponsor you James. At your covienence, send me a PM.
  • spindriftspindrift Posts: 818 ✭✭
    I'm a newb to the forum but by no means a newb to cigars. I work with joshvoight we talk and smoke cigars all the time. I'm looking to get started doing some trading and he lead me hear and said that you guys rock. So im looking to be sponsored. I like a wide a variety from mild to full bodied. It really doesnt matter I dont set limits when it come to cigars. Thanks in advance and I look forward to getting to know some of you guys and hearing what you think and like. Smoke Em' if you got Em"
    If nobody has a problem with it, I will sponsor you James. At your covienence, send me a PM.
    Looks like you passed over "jgibv"...If I weren't a noob myself, I would pick him up........You might have to do two here Greg.....lol.......
  • greg2648greg2648 Posts: 2,440 ✭✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Johnny- I got you on this. Buckle up. I will send you a PM.
  • spindriftspindrift Posts: 818 ✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Johnny- I got you on this. Buckle up. I will send you a PM.
    You are wacked aren't you????? How many posts before one is considered unnoobified????
  • JHeweyJHewey Posts: 2,421 ✭✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Johnny- I got you on this. Buckle up. I will send you a PM.
    You are wacked aren't you????? How many posts before one is considered unnoobified????
    I don't think you are a noob anymore. Lol
  • joshvoigtjoshvoigt Posts: 325
    J and Paul are definitely not newbs. Have you the bombs you boys have been sending!?
  • spindriftspindrift Posts: 818 ✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Johnny- I got you on this. Buckle up. I will send you a PM.
    You are wacked aren't you????? How many posts before one is considered unnoobified????
    I don't think you are a noob anymore. Lol
    Oh really? That is good to know ;^)...Who's next???????????
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Johnny- I got you on this. Buckle up. I will send you a PM.
    You are wacked aren't you????? How many posts before one is considered unnoobified????
    I don't think you are a noob anymore. Lol
    Response to your PM, Greg.
    And ok, its good to know I'm not a noob anymore then, hah.

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • joshvoigtjoshvoigt Posts: 325
    You boys are like Vultures lol!
  • JHeweyJHewey Posts: 2,421 ✭✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Johnny- I got you on this. Buckle up. I will send you a PM.
    You are wacked aren't you????? How many posts before one is considered unnoobified????
    I don't think you are a noob anymore. Lol
    Oh really? That is good to know ;^)...Who's next???????????
    But going by rules. You need 28 more posts to be a sponser.
  • Roberto99Roberto99 Posts: 1,077
    I'm a newb to the trading forum and am looking for a sponsor and to get on the good traders list so I can start getting in on some of the trading that goes on around here. Seems like it would be alot of fun! I have been shying away for some time now from trading because I was concerned I didn't have enough good sticks that were worthy of trading. I've been around for a little over a year now (recently changed e-mail accounts) and I have alot more recently but for sure would need some help to make sure I am on the right track.
  • spindriftspindrift Posts: 818 ✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Johnny- I got you on this. Buckle up. I will send you a PM.
    You are wacked aren't you????? How many posts before one is considered unnoobified????
    I don't think you are a noob anymore. Lol
    Oh really? That is good to know ;^)...Who's next???????????
    But going by rules. You need 28 more posts to be a sponser.
    I thought there were some guidelines, wasn't sure....I guess I'm still a noob... :o(
  • JHeweyJHewey Posts: 2,421 ✭✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Johnny- I got you on this. Buckle up. I will send you a PM.
    You are wacked aren't you????? How many posts before one is considered unnoobified????
    I don't think you are a noob anymore. Lol
    Oh really? That is good to know ;^)...Who's next???????????
    But going by rules. You need 28 more posts to be a sponser.
    I thought there were some guidelines, wasn't sure....I guess I'm still a noob... :o(
    Yeah check first post.
  • spindriftspindrift Posts: 818 ✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Johnny- I got you on this. Buckle up. I will send you a PM.
    You are wacked aren't you????? How many posts before one is considered unnoobified????
    I don't think you are a noob anymore. Lol
    Oh really? That is good to know ;^)...Who's next???????????
    But going by rules. You need 28 more posts to be a sponser.
    I thought there were some guidelines, wasn't sure....I guess I'm still a noob... :o(
    Yeah check first post.
    That's too much work....I think I'll just take out my disappointment on one of my vets......lol.......
  • JHeweyJHewey Posts: 2,421 ✭✭✭
    I've only done 1 trade so far, with Bucking_W (Chris) and am looking to do another. Chris vouched for me on the good traders list, here
    I'd be in for 5-6 cigars. PM me if you're interested and let me know what you have in mind.

    Johnny- I got you on this. Buckle up. I will send you a PM.
    You are wacked aren't you????? How many posts before one is considered unnoobified????
    I don't think you are a noob anymore. Lol
    Oh really? That is good to know ;^)...Who's next???????????
    But going by rules. You need 28 more posts to be a sponser.
    I thought there were some guidelines, wasn't sure....I guess I'm still a noob... :o(
    Yeah check first post.
    That's too much work....I think I'll just take out my disappointment on one of my vets......lol.......
    Glad I'm not a vet. Just a noob. Lol.
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