Home Trades, Passes and Bombs




  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Im wanting to do a cannon bal linto the trading pool. Someone willing to sponsor me? Maybe a 3-5 stick trade? I have a decent noob collection just lookin to join in on all fun that ya`ll have!
    Steve, If you don't have a trade lined up, I will sponsor you. Send me a PM.
    Play nice Greg, don't hurt him right away!!!!!
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • bigfnstevebigfnsteve Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭
    Splaaaaash - officially in the fun pool. Greg and i agreed to a blind trade. I got a little box of tobacco goodness mailed off today! Usps tracking 0311 0820 0002 3542 6988 Thanks again greg for sponsoring me! I hope you enjoy the selection!
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    You did what? Don't you know there are sharks in the water? I guaranty you that Greg will enjoy watching your reaction as much as he does receiving the sticks you sent. This is the big leagues, rookie.
  • bigfnstevebigfnsteve Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭
    Haha! Looking forward to it. The culture of generosity around here is definately down my alley! Plus i suck at math. 2+3=8 right? `or is it 9?
  • greg2648greg2648 Posts: 2,440 ✭✭✭
    Haha! Looking forward to it. The culture of generosity around here is definately down my alley! Plus i suck at math. 2+3=8 right? `or is it 9?
    Now don't get all crazy on you first noob trade. 4-6 stick will be perfect. If you dont follow the rules, bad things could happen. These guys around here are very tricky. It will take all of your skills young Padawan.
  • stowggiestowggie Posts: 399
    Splaaaaash - officially in the fun pool. Greg and i agreed to a blind trade. I got a little box of tobacco goodness mailed off today! Usps tracking 0311 0820 0002 3542 6988 Thanks again greg for sponsoring me! I hope you enjoy the selection!
    Greg was my newb sponsor also. You better strap it up and get ready there is none better than he.
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    Splaaaaash - officially in the fun pool. Greg and i agreed to a blind trade. I got a little box of tobacco goodness mailed off today! Usps tracking 0311 0820 0002 3542 6988 Thanks again greg for sponsoring me! I hope you enjoy the selection!
    Greg was my newb sponsor also. You better strap it up and get ready there is none better than he.
    You signed the waiver right??
  • greg2648greg2648 Posts: 2,440 ✭✭✭
    The Kid:
    Splaaaaash - officially in the fun pool. Greg and i agreed to a blind trade. I got a little box of tobacco goodness mailed off today! Usps tracking 0311 0820 0002 3542 6988 Thanks again greg for sponsoring me! I hope you enjoy the selection!
    Greg was my newb sponsor also. You better strap it up and get ready there is none better than he.
    You signed the waiver right??
    Waiver...Spaiver.......That waiver was just an ugly rumor. I have learned from my wicked ways. I am all better now. Really, I am.
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    The Kid:
    Splaaaaash - officially in the fun pool. Greg and i agreed to a blind trade. I got a little box of tobacco goodness mailed off today! Usps tracking 0311 0820 0002 3542 6988 Thanks again greg for sponsoring me! I hope you enjoy the selection!
    Greg was my newb sponsor also. You better strap it up and get ready there is none better than he.
    You signed the waiver right??
    Waiver...Spaiver.......That waiver was just an ugly rumor. I have learned from my wicked ways. I am all better now. Really, I am.
    Hm Mm ,, Yea, Uh HUH Right!!!!
  • greg2648greg2648 Posts: 2,440 ✭✭✭
    The Kid:
    The Kid:
    Splaaaaash - officially in the fun pool. Greg and i agreed to a blind trade. I got a little box of tobacco goodness mailed off today! Usps tracking 0311 0820 0002 3542 6988 Thanks again greg for sponsoring me! I hope you enjoy the selection!
    Greg was my newb sponsor also. You better strap it up and get ready there is none better than he.
    You signed the waiver right??
    Waiver...Spaiver.......That waiver was just an ugly rumor. I have learned from my wicked ways. I am all better now. Really, I am.
    Hm Mm ,, Yea, Uh HUH Right!!!!
    Every now and again, I have flashbacks. I am ok if I remember to take my meds. I feel much better now. Really......
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Posts: 3,084 ✭✭
    The Kid:
    The Kid:
    Splaaaaash - officially in the fun pool. Greg and i agreed to a blind trade. I got a little box of tobacco goodness mailed off today! Usps tracking 0311 0820 0002 3542 6988 Thanks again greg for sponsoring me! I hope you enjoy the selection!
    Greg was my newb sponsor also. You better strap it up and get ready there is none better than he.
    You signed the waiver right??
    Waiver...Spaiver.......That waiver was just an ugly rumor. I have learned from my wicked ways. I am all better now. Really, I am.
    Hm Mm ,, Yea, Uh HUH Right!!!!
    Every now and again, I have flashbacks. I am ok if I remember to take my meds. I feel much better now. Really......
    pssshhh... please... my backside still hurts from "mr. 20 ct humidor"
  • bigfnstevebigfnsteve Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭
    Only thing i went a little nuts with was the packing material. Greg has a life time of packing fiiller now! Was i suposed to send cigars? Waiver? Doh i didnt sign no waiver... good thing my momma is only a phone call away. All jokes aside the post office an adventure today. I was putting various pieces of packing material in a box (on the drivers side ) and this older gentleman decided to hit the door of my truck with his caddy. Luckily it didnt do real damage was done. The guy was in his 90s im guessing since he was ww2 vet he apologized and drove off. He never went into the post office. I think it shook him up a tad. A couple of more feet and he woulda got me. The i shut mydoor forgetting i put my diesel corona on the top of my truck between thedoor and the,frame crushing the smoke. Such noob manuever. Fun times!
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Posts: 3,084 ✭✭
    Only thing i went a little nuts with was the packing material. Greg has a life time of packing fiiller now! Was i suposed to send cigars? Waiver? Doh i didnt sign no waiver... good thing my momma is only a phone call away. All jokes aside the post office an adventure today. I was putting various pieces of packing material in a box (on the drivers side ) and this older gentleman decided to hit the door of my truck with his caddy. Luckily it didnt do real damage was done. The guy was in his 90s im guessing since he was ww2 vet he apologized and drove off. He never went into the post office. I think it shook him up a tad. A couple of more feet and he woulda got me. The i shut mydoor forgetting i put my diesel corona on the top of my truck between thedoor and the,frame crushing the smoke. Such noob manuever. Fun times!
    may god have mercy on your soul
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    Only thing i went a little nuts with was the packing material. Greg has a life time of packing fiiller now! Was i suposed to send cigars? Waiver? Doh i didnt sign no waiver... good thing my momma is only a phone call away. All jokes aside the post office an adventure today. I was putting various pieces of packing material in a box (on the drivers side ) and this older gentleman decided to hit the door of my truck with his caddy. Luckily it didnt do real damage was done. The guy was in his 90s im guessing since he was ww2 vet he apologized and drove off. He never went into the post office. I think it shook him up a tad. A couple of more feet and he woulda got me. The i shut mydoor forgetting i put my diesel corona on the top of my truck between thedoor and the,frame crushing the smoke. Such noob manuever. Fun times!
    Damn Bra sorry to hear bout the cigar,,, Seriously though hope the trucks ok,, the way you handled that says alot about ya,, Take care and welcome!!
  • bigfnstevebigfnsteve Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭
    Only thing i went a little nuts with was the packing material. Greg has a life time of packing fiiller now! Was i suposed to send cigars? Waiver? Doh i didnt sign no waiver... good thing my momma is only a phone call away. All jokes aside the post office an adventure today. I was putting various pieces of packing material in a box (on the drivers side ) and this older gentleman decided to hit the door of my truck with his caddy. Luckily it didnt do real damage was done. The guy was in his 90s im guessing since he was ww2 vet he apologized and drove off. He never went into the post office. I think it shook him up a tad. A couple of more feet and he woulda got me. The i shut mydoor forgetting i put my diesel corona on the top of my truck between thedoor and the,frame crushing the smoke. Such noob manuever. Fun times!
    Bf3 + typing = grammer fail Funny thing i ended up obviously thanking him for his service. Which he seemed surprised and asked about my boxes i explained one of them was for the dccc. He seemed to appreaciate that. Sadly his caddy got a rough scratch on the fender and my door was digned a tad. Nothing to fret or worry about. Theres allot bigger th8ngs to worry about.. um like this waiver !? Haha
  • MessickMessick Posts: 86
    I would like to get into the trading. Is anybody interested?
  • DirewolfDirewolf Posts: 3,493
    I would like to get into the trading. Is anybody interested?
    Oh I'm sure someone will take you on lol
  • scarlinscarlin Posts: 1,592
    I'll do a good ol trade with a neighbor Ohioan
  • MessickMessick Posts: 86
    Sounds great. I will send a pm
  • SporusSporus Posts: 236
    Sounds great. I will send a pm
    Duck vs. Penguin? My money's on the duck.
  • cmartincmartin Posts: 130
    A big thanks to Direwolf. Popped my first trade cherry. I think he may have a counting problem. Was supposed to be a 4 for 4 trade. I just recieved his end of the trade. 2 diesel shorties, opus x, LFD double claro, 2 El Tiante maduros, Olivia G and a osok. Thanks a lot brother. Looking forward to our next trade.
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    A big thanks to Direwolf. Popped my first trade cherry. I think he may have a counting problem. Was supposed to be a 4 for 4 trade. I just recieved his end of the trade. 2 diesel shorties, opus x, LFD double claro, 2 El Tiante maduros, Olivia G and a osok. Thanks a lot brother. Looking forward to our next trade.

    No, I think that dire counted correctly: 4+4=8...
  • oldsoulrevivaloldsoulrevival Posts: 632 ✭✭
    A big thanks to Direwolf. Popped my first trade cherry. I think he may have a counting problem. Was supposed to be a 4 for 4 trade. I just recieved his end of the trade. 2 diesel shorties, opus x, LFD double claro, 2 El Tiante maduros, Olivia G and a osok. Thanks a lot brother. Looking forward to our next trade.
    You just haven't taken "Advanced Cigarlus" - it's a very complex mathematical class reserved for those with true grit.


    4 for 4 trade = (4^0)/2= 8

    5 for 5 trade = 5/5 = 12

    10 for 10 trade = 10*10-e2.6= 15

  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    A big thanks to Direwolf. Popped my first trade cherry. I think he may have a counting problem. Was supposed to be a 4 for 4 trade. I just recieved his end of the trade. 2 diesel shorties, opus x, LFD double claro, 2 El Tiante maduros, Olivia G and a osok. Thanks a lot brother. Looking forward to our next trade.
    You just haven't taken "Advanced Cigarlus" - it's a very complex mathematical class reserved for those with true grit.


    4 for 4 trade = (4^0)/2= 8

    5 for 5 trade = 5/5 = 12

    10 for 10 trade = 10*10-e2.6= 15

    LOL! I'm quite convinced that SleevePlz will have a stroke if he see's this post...
  • DirewolfDirewolf Posts: 3,493
    You guys put too much thought into it.. I reached in 4 times and that''s what I came up with.
  • scarlinscarlin Posts: 1,592
    You guys put too much thought into it.. I reached in 4 times and that''s what I came up with.
    You must have small hands.
  • oldsoulrevivaloldsoulrevival Posts: 632 ✭✭
    You guys put too much thought into it.. I reached in 4 times and that''s what I came up with.
    Ahh, the "hand-grab method"... it was introduced in 1937 by Arturo Consuejo in his book "Applied Cigarlus: A treatise on forum commerce"
  • DirewolfDirewolf Posts: 3,493
    You guys put too much thought into it.. I reached in 4 times and that''s what I came up with.
    You must have small hands.
    I keep my sticks in pickle jars.. you can never reach all the way into them.
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    LOL! I'm quite convinced that SleevePlz will have a stroke if he see's this post...
    I was a little confused at first, but then I did a quick cross-reference in my Adv. Cigarlus textbook from college and realized everything looks perfect. Very nice use of the number e, btw.
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    I may have to have some tutoring, but I've managed ok so far.
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