Home Trades, Passes and Bombs




  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    I may have to have some tutoring, but I've managed ok so far.
    I'll tutor you!!!
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    I may have to have some tutoring, but I've managed ok so far.
    I'll tutor you!!!

    But you teach from the school of hard knocks! What the He11, I'm game!
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    Any of you youngin's looking for a trade? I promise to play nice and go easy on you... Hehehehehehehehehehe!
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    Any of you youngin's looking for a trade? I promise to play nice and go easy on you... Hehehehehehehehehehe!
    I'm up for my first trade. Willing to go blind and trust my judgement?
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    Do your worst, Tony! But, remember, I got a bit of inside scoop so this could get scary...
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    BTW, you have a PM Tony.
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    PM replied.
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    PM acknowledged and replied to.
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    Toombes, Thanks for the opportunity for my first trade. I think I've got a nice little package put together for you. I made a stop at my local B&M today to find a couple sticks on your wishlist (and a little something for myself, of course). Think I found something you might enjoy. I'll have it out for you tomorrow.
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    Toombes, Thanks for the opportunity for my first trade. I think I've got a nice little package put together for you. I made a stop at my local B&M today to find a couple sticks on your wishlist (and a little something for myself, of course). Think I found something you might enjoy. I'll have it out for you tomorrow.

    Dude, you didn't have to go through that much trouble but it is greatly appreciated. I've scanned you wish list and likes as well. Muwahahahahahahahahaha!!
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    This - 0311 2550 0004 0084 3372 - should be at your doorstep on Monday. I'm from Michigan, so let's see if I can live up to the reputation of the Murder Mitten!
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    Sounds good, brother. Let's see how much destruction we can deal out!
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    This - 0311 2550 0004 0084 3372 - should be at your doorstep on Monday. I'm from Michigan, so let's see if I can live up to the reputation of the Murder Mitten!

    Back atcha, Tony! 0310 1230 0002 3010 5544
    Picked up your end this morning. All I can say is... DAY-UM!! Awesome hit, brother! I'll have pix up later tonight.
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    This - 0311 2550 0004 0084 3372 - should be at your doorstep on Monday. I'm from Michigan, so let's see if I can live up to the reputation of the Murder Mitten!

    Back atcha, Tony! 0310 1230 0002 3010 5544
    Picked up your end this morning. All I can say is... DAY-UM!! Awesome hit, brother! I'll have pix up later tonight.
    Glad it got there okay. Hopefully they smoke as good as they looked!
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    Give them a few weeks to rest and I'll let ya know. That LFD is sooooooo tempting, though...
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    As promised, here's a shot of Tony's end of his first trade. But first a question... Who the He11 has been telling the newbs how hard we play? For his first trade he blew me out of the water! Excellent hit, awesome selection of sticks. My Wish/Favs list is slowly but surely dwindling to nothing...


    I'll vouch for SleevePlz and imgembo any day of the week. If no one else has traded with these fine BoTL, then I highly suggest you do so.
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    I received my end of the trade with Toombes. Thanks a lot brother! Awesome selection. Can't wait to trade with you again. IMAG0082
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • Gaetano7890Gaetano7890 Posts: 800 ✭✭✭
    Well I've done a couple of trades not knowing much about being a newb so I saw this thread and thought I should make a newbie trade if that's ok with you guys. If anyone is up for it I wasn't trying to bypass the rules and it was suggested I get my trade credentials up so If anyone is up for it let me know.
  • greg2648greg2648 Posts: 2,440 ✭✭✭
    Just completed a noob trade with BgFnSteve. He is a great trader. I would trade with him anytime. Be careful, he hits like a tons of bricks.
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Just completed a noob trade with BgFnSteve. He is a great trader. I would trade with him anytime. Be careful, he hits like a tons of bricks.
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • bigfnstevebigfnsteve Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭
    Just completed a noob trade with BgFnSteve. He is a great trader. I would trade with him anytime. Be careful, he hits like a tons of bricks.
    Thanks again for everything Greg! Im still recovering.. once i do watch out :p the best is yet to come (on my end)
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Just completed a noob trade with BgFnSteve. He is a great trader. I would trade with him anytime. Be careful, he hits like a tons of bricks.
    Thanks again for everything Greg! Im still recovering.. once i do watch out :p the best is yet to come (on my end)
    to the top
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Just completed a noob trade with BgFnSteve. He is a great trader. I would trade with him anytime. Be careful, he hits like a tons of bricks.
    Thanks again for everything Greg! Im still recovering.. once i do watch out :p the best is yet to come (on my end)
    to the top
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Just completed a noob trade with BgFnSteve. He is a great trader. I would trade with him anytime. Be careful, he hits like a tons of bricks.
    Thanks again for everything Greg! Im still recovering.. once i do watch out :p the best is yet to come (on my end)
    to the top
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • kingdavid5kingdavid5 Posts: 293
    Any newbs wanna trade I'm a newb as well got one under the belt ready for more
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭
    Any newbs wanna trade I'm a newb as well got one under the belt ready for more
    If you like I will trade with you, just pm me your info

  • kingdavid5kingdavid5 Posts: 293
    Any newbs wanna trade I'm a newb as well got one under the belt ready for more
    If you like I will trade with you, just pm me your info

    PM sent
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭
    Any newbs wanna trade I'm a newb as well got one under the belt ready for more
    If you like I will trade with you, just pm me your info

    PM sent
    and replied to.

  • Katt68Katt68 Posts: 124
    Hi all, How do I get a sponsor?
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    Hi all, How do I get a sponsor?
    Whatcha got in mind???
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