Home Coming Dances

Anybody besides me have kids going to their home coming dance? I didn't realize this was a big deal since I never participated in any high school activities. Nor did I know how much it was going to cost. 200$ for a dress, 200$ for shoes and accessories, and 200$ for a photographer. Hope some of my daughters friends parents show up so we can split that cost. No wonder everytime I go to use my card to buy smokes theirs no money in it.
I've got 2 Padron 1964's waiting for that day!
Great advice. I agree, it is most definitely all about us and the commitment we're making; that's the most important part, hands down, no questions. I'm very excited and can't wait!
The Padron's will be a nice touch! I've heard good things and love the regular brown-label line
of course im not a girl so i didnt get my nails/hair done... and i didnt need a new suit for every event. and our school provided photographers. i always did splurge on dinner.
the cheapest homecoming dinner i had was $120 after tip.
.... and that was 15 years ago.
of course i was only paying $0.79/gal in my little 4 banger car...
i guess times have changed my friend. good luck with that.
... just hope for a small wedding.