Checking in

As at least a couple of you noticed, I haven't been around the last few weeks. School started back up, this is the first time I've had a demanding course load since taking on 2 jobs, and especially since being promoted to manager at the hotel. I'm taking a course taught by Professor James Carville, so you can imagine that's a little demanding.
I actually tried to quit one of my jobs a couple weeks ago, and was basically told "no". We're going to try to re-define my duties so that it can still work.
On top of all that, I've been shopping for a house. The bank accepted my second offer on a foreclosed property today. The house was beautifully renovated after Katrina. If all goes well, I'm trying to close in 3 weeks. And since I'm gonna have a nice sized yard, I had to get a dog. Adopted a 3 month old lab puppy from the SPCA today.
The next few weeks will be crazy with home inspections and mortgage brokers, then comes moving. Hopefully I'll have time to smoke a few cigars between all that, and stop by here from time to time.
As at least a couple of you noticed, I haven't been around the last few weeks. School started back up, this is the first time I've had a demanding course load since taking on 2 jobs, and especially since being promoted to manager at the hotel. I'm taking a course taught by Professor James Carville, so you can imagine that's a little demanding.
I actually tried to quit one of my jobs a couple weeks ago, and was basically told "no". We're going to try to re-define my duties so that it can still work.
On top of all that, I've been shopping for a house. The bank accepted my second offer on a foreclosed property today. The house was beautifully renovated after Katrina. If all goes well, I'm trying to close in 3 weeks. And since I'm gonna have a nice sized yard, I had to get a dog. Adopted a 3 month old lab puppy from the SPCA today.
The next few weeks will be crazy with home inspections and mortgage brokers, then comes moving. Hopefully I'll have time to smoke a few cigars between all that, and stop by here from time to time.
congrats on the house, I hope to be getting a house come next year. and a lab puppy is very cute, and it's great you will have a yard for him/her to pounce in.
I was in the process of trying to qualify with my dad as a co-signer when the city raised the income limits on their first-time homebuyer program, making me eligible. So now, I'm trying to get the finance authority to move quickly so I can close on Friday, when the second extension on the buy-sell agreement expires. Trying to get bureaucrats to move quickly isn't easy. To use the city program, the house has to pass a Housing Quality Inspection, which I found out today hasn't even been ordered yet. So even if the inspection is done tomorrow, if it doesn't pass on the first try we don't have time to correct any deficiencies.
Damn, I need a drink and a cigar.
I've been too tired the last couple nights to smoke, but I think tonight I'll sit out on the deck with a big cigar and some bourbon.
Yeah man I know they got some devastating storms in his direction I'm just hoping he and his family are OK .....maybe we will hear from him soon....
Very glad to hear it 'Bino .....