My Father #3

So this is the Toro sized stick with some good time in the humi and was a gift. I have been wanting to fire up one of these jewels after reading the endless drivel about their awesomeness. I had nice conditions with a little breeze and 70 degrees and water to drink. I will say it was a damn good stick with very nice creamy flavors. Creamy was really what popped up in my mind during the smoke. Construction was great, took flame easily, and burned like a charm with zero issues. I would say med to med+ in the strength department although no discernable buzz or anything. So basically right down my alley. I could easily see making this Toro a regular in my rotation.
Now, here is the thing. There is no way I could see myself dropping $7-$10 a stick for these. Were they good? You bet! Was it something where the next mission in life was to acquire more? No. There could be two things at work here: 1) I am just too much of a cheap skate and don't like paying premiums for cigars. Very possible and even likely this is true. 2) There are LOTS of great cigars out there for $3-$4. This is true also. Solution? I would like to buy more at a reasonable will be keeping and eye out for some bargain pricing.
I hear you on the price issues... It's hard to really evaluate price... I mean the MSRP is like $12, but we all know about deals and whatnot, so we can probably get them cheaper... my fist inclination is to post a thread here saying I want to trade for some... that's what I did when I first smoked the CAO Sopranos Edition... Loved it but not gonna drop $13 per stick... so yeah, the first place I go is to my fellow BORKs here and see what I can come up with...
anyway, I like the review... I love a creamy medium bodied smoke... can't wait to fire on up!
On this cigar, I haven't had it but I like the last my father but like the review mentioned, I don't think they are all that and a can of beans. Still a nice cigar.
A bit crooked at the head. Uncapped easily. Easy draw unlit. Plenty of flavor, earth with a zing.
found Unfortunately, not all that big a deal once lit. I got bitter earth at first. Smoothed out as it got going. Good volume. But bitter earth. Dry retro. A scant hour before it canoed and turned more bitter. Straightened out by the nub.
It's a thing where I started out rating it four and a half stars, but reduced the rating half star at a time until it rated only three by the time I tossed the nub.
Like the OP, I thought it okay, but no big deal.