Fan for my cooler...?
What are some recommendations on a cheap battery operated fan that I can place in my cooler. I tried one of my twins stroller fans yesterday and within 6 hrs the battery had ran out. So obviously that isn't going to work. I just want to get a little air movement in there to make sure the humidity is distributed evenly, and bring the temps down a tad.
If you're mechanically inclined and have some basic tools, I can give you some suggestions on how to modify your stroller fan so you can plug it into a wall outlet and even run it on a timer, if you like. Converting from battery to plug-in might require some basic soldering skills/tools, depending. If you want to find out more, shoot me a PM.
Ran the wiring out the back of the cooler and have an on off switch on the top of the cooler.
Took about an hour from planning to purchase to completion.
Might upgrade it to something else soon.
Yup! That'll work, too. Now just plug the power supply into a 110V timer and you're good to go.
PM replied....
But it's like kids...
Once you've had one and freaked out over it, the next one you are a lot less protective, and the third one you let chew on the walls...
When I used to fret on them I've had a worse smoking experience (beetles, burn issues, taste etc.) then now when weeks will go by before I check the hygrometer and if it dips below ~62% then I add water.... meh
I do believe the main culprit was my Rh AND temp went crazy for two days to hatch the fuckerss, but also, the one stick that started it all was a NON-Cello'd stick from a crappy B&M that had a beetle problem to begin with (I noticed holes on a couple of their sticks)
I honestly believe that if I didn't have the one stick, I would have seen no beetles and be happy.
I do check them once a week, but I have two separate humid and only one Hygrometer, I just switch it back and forth each week.
Keep in mind, some guys dry box their cigars for a few days before smoking, so one week at an RH that is a little bit off, ain't gonna hurt!
I've noticed my smoking experience to be BETTER when I don't fret. The way I look at it, whether it's at 64% Rh or 70% Rh, cigars like things gradual... So if I go ape shitt and always add or subtract moisture and stuff, then the full, COMPLETE cigar is getting mixed signals and the cigar in it's entirety could be tainted. If I let it sit, even at 63%Rh for a few weeks it will be completely 63%Rh, not mixed and will still be quite tasty. I have learned that any DRASTIC changes to my stash requires ample time to recover to be awesome again!