Quesada Octoberfest

I came across these Quesada Octoberfest cigars and by there appearance they look like a great smoke so I purchased five. I allowed them to sit for a week and I came across some Samuel Adam Octoberfest beer and decided to give them a try. From my understanding from reading about these they are meant to go with beer and the flavor is enhanced by drinking a cold one with them. Got home and went out on the back porch and fired her up. The foot of the cigar of the Quesada Oktoberst fest starts off smoky to the nose, with some subtle spices. The cold draw serves up some notes of earth, and smoked wood. I started off without the beer however, while good the beer really did brings the nuances of the cigar out. What remains is a nice dark chocolate note and some wood that boarders on oak. Be prepared this is a slow burning cigar but as you enter the second third of the cigar there are some leather notes that join a mix of dark chocolate, and nuts. Each sip of beer really bring the notes out it's really strange how it does that. The last third of the cigar becomes the smoothest and richest part of the smoke. The dark notes of chocolate become slightly sweeter and the notes of nuts extend into the nice finish of the cigar.This slow burning cigar burns like very evenly, with a nice ash that holds fairly well. The draw was perfect with a nice toasty aroma to the nose. I drank 2 bottles of beer with my cigar which was the perfect way to end the day.I figured the name Oktoberfest was just a marketing ploy, but this cigar is no joke and would definitely recommend. I am sure you can enjoy this without the beer if you're not a beer drinker however,to truly experience the cigar it should be paired with a hearty beer.