NBA Lockout

Thoughts? Do you side with the players, the owners, or is it just greed all around? I can't believe these guys are are **** over fractions of millions of dollars to play basketball, when hard working Americans are scraping a living to keep their families afloat. God, I love pro sports, but also despise it.
Since this is an NBA thread, I will use them as an example. Taken from the web site
1. Kobe Bryant - $25M+
2. Rashard Lewis - $22M+
4. Kevin Garnett - $21M+
Those numbers are PER SEASON by the way, not an entire multi-year contract. Rashard Lewis averaged 11.7 points last season. I honestly didnt even know he was in the league.
Last week, Kobe Bryant and Kevin Garnett stormed into a labor negotiation meeting and by accounts of people who were there destroyed all progress that had been made to that point.
THESE **** PLAY AN 82 GAME SCHEDULE!!!! Thats performing their job less than 23% of the year. I know practices, offseason conditioning, etc but come on! And basketball isnt a "barbaric" sport like football, where you wreck your body and have to live with it for the rest of your life.
And dont even get me started on the owners. Like somebody said earlier in the thread, $50 for nosebleed seats to an NBA regular season game... for a family of four thats $200 just to get in the gate, PLUS whatever ridiculous rate your team charges for parking to get TO the gate, PLUS the outrageous prices of the exotic culinary delights (y'know, hard to get stuff like popcorn, soda, Barbie sized beers, etc) you purchase ONCE you're in the gate, God forbid your family wants to show some actual team spirit with a hat, jersey, or foam finger... you're looking at an EASY $300-$400 for your family to be entertained FOR AN HOUR?
The subject of money and sports is the definition of LUDICROUS.