So I settled on the MK with Isaac's tie-breaker vote. Went into the b&m to get one, and they JUST got in the 888 Maduros.... had to switch gears and do that, but figured it was still an Illusione and kinda close to the MK, so hope you all enjoy... smoking it right now and WOW! Halfway through the review, posted in an hour or so... pictures to accompany it a few hours later!
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Appearance: A leathery and toothy wrapper that looks very oily with a high sheen to it due to the large amount of oil. The feel of it however is counter-intuitive because it feels like an oily silk and not rough leather very very smooth and one of the softest, smoothest, and oiliest I have ever had.
Nose: I get a milk chocolate, slight cinnamon, and marshmallow nose on the foot with nearly zero smell off the wrapper very interesting!
Lick: A little spiciness picks up on the lick, along with cream and marshmallow again.
Cut Method: I use my 007 custom punch and it cuts clean.
First Light: Light body of the smoke, but large pepper wavering between white and black pepper. Good notes of leather but less chewy and more of an aged leather. A hint of the classic maduro sweetness, but not an overpowering sweetness, more of a dark chocolate bittersweet. A LOT of spice and the pepper is still there too, but starting to mellow out after the first quarter inch or so. Right around the ½ mark, a smoky oak shows up and compliments this profile better than any other taste I could think of at this moment. The smoke production up to this point had been very minimal, but all of a sudden a gate opens up and the smoke comes pouring out along with a creamier and heavier smoke mouth feel.
1st Quarter: The spice picks up but the pepper disappears and this balance becomes phenomenal! The aged leather is still there, but the marshmallow becomes a key player, along with a vanilla, cream (think half half), some of a dryer sweetness, and a slight anise too it as well. The ash is salt and pepper looking and very layered which is a great contrast to the stick itself and looks really great! The cream, vanilla and marshmallow picks up more as it goes along. This is quickly turning into a stick that ranks among my favorite Ive ever had!! The smoke is very cool and flavorful while maintaining the that thick heavy production.
2nd Quarter:
I call this the second quarter due to the point where the flavor changes, and not the burn of the stick instead. The spice mellows out, and the oak becomes a predominant player with a little more of the anise and a chewier leather. The marshmallow is still there but becomes bigger on the retrohale and not the palate. The ash falls for the first time at about the 1.5 mark and breaks clean. As soon as the ash falls, the cream comes back and becomes heavy again which surprised me, but for my profile, I really like. I add a little more heat since the smoke production gets a little light again, and it remains cool while the smoke builds back again. At this point the draw becomes a tad tighter than I prefer so I cut it with the Xi and it opens right up and allows a larger smoke production more consistently. The flavor is still very spicey which I love, and the anise, leather (which is chewier still) and cream are still there, but the oak is continually building and is very smoky and pungent which is quite delicious. Some walnut starts to show up and rounds out the flavor a little more, but so far not a lot of changes at this point from what it has been doing. The cream along with a buttery texture and slight flavor comes back stronger at the turn along with the walnut and makes this my favorite part of the stick so far loving how this is progressing! The ash dropped again at about 1 further along (right in my lap btw annoyed lol) and it is burning slightly wavy but not causing issues for me so far.
3rd Quarter:
The oak is still smoky but it calms down some with the walnut becoming stronger, and an almond presents itself on the finish. Everything is incredibly smooth, cool, and thick really doing what I love in my favorite sticks and this is so far solidly in my top 5 of all time. Some cedar notes pick up slightly, with the vanilla leather and a heavier cream hitting the middle of my palate LOVE this stick!! The spice is always there, but the strength of it fades in and out in no consistent way, which would normally annoy me but for a reason I dont know, it works very well for me today and with this stick. Some salty caramel peeks its head out and says hello, and compliments the recent changes and makes this somehow even more delicious. With about 3 of the stick left, the smoke is still very very cool and it is getting nothing but better!
4th Quarter: The cream becomes even heavier and smoother and slightly richer, which is my favorite flavor in a stick, so this is my baby by all means. Milk chocolate rears its head again, along with walnut, and a spicy vanilla that nearly reminds me of an eggnog spice very tasty. Mind you all of these flavors are subtle and not like drinking eggnog, or eating a Hershey bar, but they are flavors that I pick up in the smoke and very much enjoy. The cedar and oak are still there, but they are intermingling with each other now and it somehow works well. The finish on it is still incredibly smooth, very cool, and developing a flavor that I can only describe as woodsy with a nose slightly reminiscent of a Ponderosa Pine tree just SLIGHTLY juniper would be an ok way of saying it. The caramel and vanilla has built some in its dominance of the flavor along with the oak and cedar, and still some chewy leather but more as an afterthought. It makes one final turn where the classic maduro flavor pops up along with a stronger anise (black licorice) that builds the body to a solid medium plus.
Final Thoughts: Based on the wrapper, nose, and look, I expected this to be a full bodied powerhouse, but I would put this at a solid medium that builds into a mid level medium plus at the end. This was an absolutely brilliant cigar that ranks right up there with my all time favorites such as: Ashton VSG Enchantment, Liga Privada #9, Liga Privada T52, Illusione Holy Lance, My Father #4, Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 Sun Grown, and the Tatuaje La Casita Criolla and Black Label. At $13 and change after tax for a single it is certainly a bit pricey but in my opinion is completely worth it. I would love to get a box of these but like I stated earlier today, Ive never had enough cash to ever buy a box of anything, so I do not see this happening anytime in the next 24 months. Out of this world smoke and because of that it will get the highest rating of tobacco leaves that I give, meaning that it is an all time favorite.
Smoke time 2 hrs 15 min.
Rating: 5 out of 5 Tobacco Leaves a true benchmark of cigars for me and my flavor profile!!
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Appearance: Silky smooth dark brown and red tinted wrapper, with no veins and triple capped on BOTH ends. Very oily and smooth with some tooth that really makes me anticipate what is to come!
Nose: Lots and lots of caramel, some mild hay, and an earthy sweetness.
Lick: A slight sour taste on the lick with some fruit notes that I pick up as mango, with some hay and cocoa. Very intriguing!!
Cut Method: With the double ended triple cap I punch the head with my small gauge punch but choose to leave the other end un-molested and light it without a cut.
Review Method and Notes: Im breaking this stick into thirds since it is such a short cigar, and will be taking notes and typing as I smoke this as well.
1st Light: A decent amount of pepper hits the back of your throat on the initial light, which would normally be very unpleasant for me since I am not a pepper hound, however in this case it is mixed with the normal maduro sweetness that is so tasty, but it has a smoked hickory and heavy spice to it that balances it and makes in phenomenal RIGHT off the bat! A maple syrup immediately presents itself afterwards along with a light milk chocolate and as a finish heavy marshmallow creamy goodness! Truth be told, these first few puffs are the most enjoyable flavors Ive ever had in a stick in my 7 years of smoking Im 100% FLOORED. Right as the burn reaches the end of the triple cap a toasted coconut blasts me in the face and is hugely reminiscent of a Almond Joy sooo creamy, so sweet, and so toasty just absolute GOODNESS!!!
1st Third: It is already finishing like glass on the palate its so smooth, with the pepper disappearing 100% already. Some cedar notes blend in and round everything out beautifully smoothing it out even further. The smoke is cool, bountiful, thick and luxuriously rich. I dont have enough adjectives to describe how decadent of a smoke this is easily my favorite of all time EASILY. The milk chocolate starts to become more predominate along with the toasted coconut and it gets even better. The burn is razor sharp, which is truly impressive when you consider that I didnt even cut the end, just lit it with the capped foot intact. The ash holds firm, and is a dark gray color almost the color of gun metal gray when you see it on hot rods (my upbringing). It flakes just slightly but stays pretty darned tight and heavy. The wrapper has not unraveled at all even at the burn and the stick becomes almost velvety with all the oils leaching out of the wrapper as the stick heats up. A fragrant bouquet opens up on the retrohale that oddly enough reminds me of a musky cologne with cedar and hickory. Once again the only word that comes to mind is decadent.
2nd Third: This is one of the most difficult cigars I have reviewed so far to break into sections, simply because every puff is a change if only slightly. The 2nd third is based only on the point of the burn in the stick, and not in how it changes. The cedar and maple syrup have now become the dominant flavors with the milk chocolate and toasty coconut falling back into the middle to end of the palate and lingering on the roof of my mouth. Hickory is still present but it is darned near impossible to pinpoint where it is in the flavor and when it comes in because it is so mild and complex. Prior to this point the spice had fallen off slightly in terms of strength of the flavor, always being there but more in the background. The spice does however start to present itself again and it is a welcomed change. That is not to say that it would have been better earlier, it just works so beautifully now as well. Caramel becomes a little bigger and makes me step back and just stare at this stick in wonder! A little white pepper comes back into play along with the spice that helps to bring out the hickory and cedar in a larger way and makes it easier to detect. Every puff I take makes me starry eyed and is pleasantly giving me a decent buzz (something that does not often happen with any stick). The ash is at about an inch and a half at this point and makes no attempt to sag or drop. The tar buildup is starting slightly, something that happens often on my small ring gauge punches (this is what has been making me want a Xikar 009 punch) so I knock the ash and decide to cut it with the Xi double guillotine cutter. The draw opens right up, and the slight bitterness that was starting due to the tar darn near disappears. The burn turns a little wavy but I attribute that to the buildup and small punch, it does not however affect the smoke, which is still rich and bountiful. The main flavors are now the hickory, cedar and caramel and are building deliciously. The milk chocolate, marshmallow, and cream sneak in and out of every puff very elusively and make for a constant roller coaster ride of flavors and complexity. This is only getting better with time and I am consistently looking at the stick with wonder and amazement!
Final Third: The smoke is becoming warmer but is not an issue at this point, and something I have come to expect with the darker smokes when I get this far down into them. It is not unpleasant and does highlight the spice and white pepper. The coconut has come back into play along with a stronger caramel flavor as well. The cedar and hickory are still there, but almost as an afterthought. The marshmallow now only shows up on the roof of my mouth after the retrohale which makes this a very sweet finish and very clean. I would have to describe the smoke as robust, with the flavors being somewhat delicate probably the first cigar I have been able to characterize as this. The ash is still the same dark gray gun metal color but has started to flake a little more at the end, most likely due to my ashing it before I clipped it. From here on out it is more of the same type of changes develop, and the spice intensifies beautifully!
Final Thoughts: I think that one of the most appropriate words for this cigar, is Masterpice. The blend, the construction, burn and mellowing of the smoke was the most incredible and perfect balance I have ever come across, and I have to call out and thank the brother who bestowed this work of art upon me; Michael Harvey. Thank you my brother, this was the most phenomenal cigar I have ever had!
Rating: 5+ Tobacco Leaves
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Just so you know that is not a Daisy Cutter. That would be the Fat Man or Little Boy depending on the size which is hard to tell in the pictures. They are very close in size. The Daisy Cutter has a white on black band.
I was gonna smoke one of these today... the torp version, not sure what the name is, but i decided to have a Tat Black Lancero (review comin) instead... sounds like a great smoke... you sure did enjoy it!!!
I was gonna smoke one of these today... the torp version, not sure what the name is, but i decided to have a Tat Black Lancero (review comin) instead... sounds like a great smoke... you sure did enjoy it!!!
Just so you know that is not a Daisy Cutter. That would be the Fat Man or Little Boy depending on the size which is hard to tell in the pictures. They are very close in size. The Daisy Cutter has a white on black band.
Fatman and Little Boy.. Really ? Those cigars would make for an interesting Bomb.
I think that's the little boy I sent him in our n00b trade?
Michaelharvey sent me this guy a few weeks ago when all three bombs landed in one day. As for the size I had no idea, thanks for the info that this was a different size and sorry for the mistake!
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
ok, for the Skull and Bones we have Fat Man, Little Boy, MAOB, WMB and I see two that are listed as Skull and Bones Mystery... One has black band with a white skull, which is the Daisy Cutter... there is also one that is black on black... which one is that? I was able to order one yesterday, so I'm curious...
ok, for the Skull and Bones we have Fat Man, Little Boy, MAOB, WMB and I see two that are listed as Skull and Bones Mystery... One has black band with a white skull, which is the Daisy Cutter... there is also one that is black on black... which one is that? I was able to order one yesterday, so I'm curious...
Not entirely sure since the one I reviewed was the FIRST Viaje I've ever smoked, so I have little knowledge yet on the company or their lines. MichaelHarvey gifted me that S&B's so maybe he can illuminate which one it is.
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
ok, for the Skull and Bones we have Fat Man, Little Boy, MAOB, WMB and I see two that are listed as Skull and Bones Mystery... One has black band with a white skull, which is the Daisy Cutter... there is also one that is black on black... which one is that? I was able to order one yesterday, so I'm curious...
The full Skull and Bones line up is:
* Daisy Cutter- first S&B, good luck finding. Highest rated.
* Original ~?~- Last Halloween
* WMD and MOAB- First of the Red bands, stronger blend.
* Little Boy and Fat man- Second release of the Red band blend, first to use the "two headed" construction (triple caps on both ends)
* 2011 ~?~ Torpedo and ~?~ Box Press Torpedo- Both the same ~?~ blend, white band is round, black bands are box pressed and smaller production.
Age: This specific stick was rolled in 1999 and used 3-5 year aged tobacco when rolled. That means that the tobacco itself is 15-17 years old in this cigar!
Filler and Binder: PG gives no specifics that I can find, but it uses Dominican filler and binder leaves.
Wrapper: Connecticut shade grown
Nose: An incredibly heavy cedar with an almost refined cologne aspect comes off of the wrapper, with the foot giving off an even stronger cedar that also mixes very well with some white oak and a slight pepper scent.
Appearance: very delicate light brown with a bit of red tinge to it, with two slightly prominent veins running about 2/3 of the length of the cigar.
Lick: The same strong cedar smell also shows up in the lick along with some of the white oak, but a touch of spice that makes your lips and tongue tingle just slightly.
Cut Method: I use my Xi double guillotine, which cuts cleanly if not a little quickly making me think the tobacco could be a bit dry.
Dry Draw: The cedar gets even stronger along with the white oak and some peppery spice. The draw is very easy with little to no resistance.
First Light:
Light time is 11:15 am MST. It lights quickly and easily after I warm the foot for 15 seconds. The initial blast is that of a woodsy cedar and oak with pepper but one that isnt bitter. It has a large amount of spice and is already very complex! The smoke is fairly cool with just slight warmth to it, and already strong notes of almond and vanilla are presenting themselves. The burn is fairly even right off the bat, and the smoke is bountiful with a medium mouth feel to it, and just slightly dry.
First Third: Raisin starts to creep in at this point (about half an inch in) and lingers on the back of your tongue with a long finish that is very welcomed. A flavor that I cant quite put my finger on lingers, it reminds me of anise and spice that have been blended together and I can only call it the classic maduro sweetness that I normally pick up in my dark maddies. Almond becomes stronger on the retrohale and the smoke just coats your mouth with a light creamy velvet feel. A chewy leather enters the mix at about an inch into it and adds a chewy element to the smoke, but it should be noted that the leather is a undertone whereas the spice and cedar/white oak is the dominate profile from the start and still is currently. The ash is still holding at 1.5 and is very tight with nearly no flaking and is a medium gray color. I do think that time has helped to smooth the palate and character of this cigar, but I also believe that it has made it burn much much faster since I am only 25 minutes in and the cigar is over 1/3rd smoked. The pepper picks up a little bit, which I would normally shy away from, but in this case it is not overly bitter, and adds a little body to this smoke. I would say at best it is a medium body, whereas the flavor is a medium-full and complex to say the least. So far this smoke is pairing very well with my espresso and cream and rounds it out nicely! The leather changes to what I can only name an oily leather and brings out a slight hickory aftertaste on the palate, with the white pepper and cedar hitting your tongue first and lingering for a long while and finally mellowing to a light cream and marshmallow taste. The ash is still holding at 2 so I decide to preemptively knock it so that I dont end up wearing it.
Second Third:
The raisin and anise start to move to the front of the palate and less on the aftertaste, so this signals to me a change and that it has started into the 2nd third of the stick. The flavors so far have not gone through any major changes, and instead have changed gradually and built to a new taste instead of just jumping to it. A thicker creaminess comes out in the mouth feel and also slightly in the taste (think half and half or lite heavy whipping cream) with the anise and marshmallow finishing on the middle to back of your tongue. A little more resistance on the draw has now developed and actually makes me enjoy the smoke a little more because the earlier draw was a little too easy for my liking. The burn also slows down slightly while the smoke stays a comfortable luke warm temperature. At this point the burn line is less than an inch from the band so I decide to remove the band. The dominate flavor has changed to the oily leather and hickory with the cedar moving to the finish instead. The anise and spice are now building in strength along with some more heat from the smoke.
Final Third: The anise and spice take over and the white pepper makes a change to the classic pepper but so far is not overpowering. The leather becomes a little dryer tasting, and the marshmallow is huge on the aftertaste. Somewhere in that mix the cedar and hickory mix in but is very difficult to nail down where and how. Im very much enjoying the anise and hickory since they balance each other very well and make for a very unique flavor that keeps me interested right down to the end. The second ash is still holding at slightly over an inch still. I think that the pepper and slight bitterness are enjoyed in this instance simply because of the drink I am enjoying while I smoke and write this, namely the heavy and creamy espresso that also holds a cocoa bitterness to it. They compliment each other nicely, and balance each other out. For anyone who does try this stick, I would highly recommend having a black coffee or espresso with it since it has paired so well for me. The stick is getting down to the final inch and is only now turning hot and a little overly bitter, but I am not ready to set this down yet so I keep sticking it out. The anise grows stronger still while a unique vanilla develops. The stick finishes up at just about 50 minutes long, which was a little too short for me, but was still very good!
Final Thoughts: This was a very complex and delicious smoke, but the body was a little too light for my liking, along with it smoking so quickly. The taste however was very good, but I would have enjoyed a bit more nutty character and some more creaminess. Because of this it will not get my highest rating, but I want to reiterate that it has nothing to do with how good the cigar was, simply my taste profile alone.
Rating: 4 Tobacco Leaves
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Why have I never heard of this cigar until today ? Your review makes me feel like I am a noob, and that I have really been missing something.. Good thing you don't sell used cars. Nice review. This sounds like a cigar I would really enjoy.
Why have I never heard of this cigar until today ? Your review makes me feel like I am a noob, and that I have really been missing something.. Good thing you don't sell used cars. Nice review. This sounds like a cigar I would really enjoy.
Don't worry buddy it's all good!! And thanks for the kind words
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Agreed... it sounds pretty nice and I've never heard of it... upon searching a little it looks like they can still be had for about $8.50 a stick... not too bad... I might have to give these a once over... Nice work Brett!
Agreed... it sounds pretty nice and I've never heard of it... upon searching a little it looks like they can still be had for about $8.50 a stick... not too bad... I might have to give these a once over... Nice work Brett!
Thanks Rob, I am loving your reviews as well and have found them to be incredibly helpful!! I have changed up mine a bit to reflect a few aspects that you have in yours since I really like that and I think you give more info on the blend and story and I like that a lot! Thanks for the inspiration brother and keep it up!! BTW, dunno the age on the ones you are looking at, but where I picked mine up, they had been sitting in the box since 1999....
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Backstory: So this cigar was named in honor of the man who blended and manufactured this cigar, A.J. Fernandez. Because of this, it is a Nicaraguan cigar produced in Esteli, and from my reading I BELIEVE that this is a Nicaraguan Puro.
Tobacco: A San Andres Morron Capa is the wrapper, while the binder and filler are Nicaraguan grown, but other than that I cannot as of yet find anymore info on this.
Appearance: The wrapper is a toothy dark brown color with a shape of red and very very slight marbling of the leaf. It has two somewhat prominent veins, one running about half the length of the stick from the foot back towards the cap, and the other beginning at the cap and circling the stick to end under the band. The band is a very simple and elegant black with gold lettering and small pin striping.
Nose: I get a very sweet maple syrup smell with a strong woody note mixed into it, think red oak would be my guess.
Lick: Not a large amount of taste comes from the lick, the little that does is a hint of spice, and slight tangy taste.
Cut/Dry Draw: I cut the cap with my Xi cutter which cuts easily and cleanly through it. The dry draw offers a moderate resistance and leads me to believe that with a little heat that this will be pretty much a great draw. I get a tangy hay and oak from the draw really getting excited for what this will offer!
Drink of Choice: I decided to try something a little different for this review, mostly just because I was in the mood for it. Going with a Coke today.
First Light: I light this bad boy up at 2:10pm. I warm the foot with my Xikar Stratosphere lighter and after a quick session of heating it, the stick lights quickly and evenly. The first draws are truly sublime! Smooth as glass with zero heat from the smoke, and a medium spice on the back of the tongue, while remaining a chocolate and maple/pecan sweetness terrific! Smoke production is solid, but so far is not billowing out massive amounts of smoke just average smoke output so far.
1st Third: Very chewy and creamy texture on the palate for the smoke very rich without being overpowering! Massive chocolate flavors permeate everything and reminds me of a rich milk chocolate rather than an intense bittersweet dark chocolate that I have gotten in the past with other chocolate-y sticks. The maple syrup is still very much there, but has already mellowed into the blend, and changes just enough to now remind me of a homemade Pecan Pie (my wife just made one from scratch a few days ago, so the taste is still fresh in my mind) with a sweet oak also showing up with the blend now. The spice is always there, but it doesnt linger and bite like others have in the past it just kind of fades away on your palate very lightly and cleanly. The best way to describe it is in terms of my experiences with some higher end alcohols, in this case tequila. Good tequila has that classic taste and sting at the end, but GREAT tequila has all of that while just finishing clean without the bite. That is what I would characterize the AF1 as so far great character and the classic maddie flavor with spice, but NO bite. The retrohale offers a little stronger oak notes and a more prominent spice but once again, just as clean on the finish. A very minute hint of marshmallow pops up at this point and makes it just that much more complex, and difficult to pinpoint all of the subtle flavors that are present. At this point it occurs to me, that the sweet and dried hay has been there this whole time, but is so subtle and smooth that it didnt get picked up until now. It is just about now, that the AF1 goes through its first major change; the chocolate gets bolder while a sweet spiced rum note now comes into the mix. It reminds me of my favorite everyday rum, Sailor Jerry. It has that dark rum tone, but with the spice now mixing into the rum flavor and also getting just a hiiiint of cherry, ie Sailor Jerry flavors. The smoke production has increased now, and as I thought, the heat has opened up the draw just enough to nail on the head my perfect resistance on the draw. Overall, Im having a tough time thinking of what could make this stick better in any way, except for having more of it lol! The burn is pretty sharp, and offering just a slight wave to it. At this point the ash would have been about 1.5 long, but the first half inch got knocked off when the cigar tilted into the ashtray and accidentally knocked it off earlier. The ash is however, very white and slightly flaky. A deeper and darker chocolate is what it is changing to at this point, with the oak becoming a bit heartier and a little smoky just superb honestly! The ash falls (right in my lap btw) at about an inch, confirming what I thought, which was that the flaky ash wasnt dense lol.
2nd Third: The smoky and hearty oak is still present, but the maple and pecan come back to the front of the palate and linger in a very enjoyable way. A small pepper note joins in, making this a little fuller bodied and is quite enjoyable, along with some light smooth leather. Right about now, the smoke becomes a bit heavier feel and what I can only describe as bbq smoky flavor (kinda like liquid smoke but nowhere near as strong) pops up, and makes this the second major flavor change in the AF1 so far. The burn has tightened up and self corrected, and now is razor sharp. Im really happy that this is such a toothy and rugged wrapper, since I have had issues lately with the smoother silkier wrappers unwrapping or cracking lately which I think has to do with the climate of Colorado right now. So far, not even a hint that the wrapper is coming un-done or cracking, a welcomed change!!! The dark rum and spice flavor blends with the leather and pepper and becomes a seamless change that I really can differentiate where one starts and the other ends or begins. Truly complex with tons of subtle complexities that I just cant accurately pinpoint. There is definitely some marshmallow, a light cream, a little cedar, and anise . But how much of each is not something that I can comment on and feel confident about. The most prominent one is the marshmallow/cream, but even that is fairly light and difficult to pick up. The smoke is still very cool, and the dominant flavor changes from puff to puff, alternating between a rich and heavy milk chocolate, to a hearty and chewy oak with pecan. I cant say that Ive yet had a stick before this one that has done this and it keeps me very focused on this stick! The third major flavor change happens now, and the classic maddie sweetness that up until now has only been very light, just picks up. It is worth pointing out, that the flavor is still bolder yet smoother than what I would call the classic maddie flavor and I absolutely love the difference. The flavor is a solid full-full while the body is at best a medium-plus . Just about the perfect balance for my liking. The smoke hasnt dried out my mouth like it normally does, and it could just be a fluke based on the day, but it might also just be the smoke itself, Im just not smart enough to know in this instance.
Final Third: The spice and leather become bigger players with the rest of the flavors still very much present. The texture and body of the smoke become chewier and thicker with a creamy smoothness, with the same being true for the taste as well, creamy and hearty. Still chocolate-y and nutty with the pecan still there but having a bit of almond added as well. So far no significant changes in flavor, just everything is bigger, richer and more robust! The same flavors are all there, it has just grown in intensity! The smoke is a bit warmer, but I expect that at the end of the stick and it is surprisingly just warm not even mildly hot. The draw is still spectacular and I havent been disappointed yet with this stick in any way. It finishes up incredibly smooth and still very robust, with the chocolate really shinning right at the end! All in all, a true masterpiece from AJ and a stick that will stay in my memory for quite some time to come!
Final Thoughts: Pound for pound, this stick hangs right in there with some of the finest, rarest, and most expensive sticks I have ever had! The only complaint I have is how few places carry these and that I would LOVE to be able to stock up on them, but cannot right now. One of the smoothest and heartiest sticks I have had, and will remember this one for years to come!! Final end time is: 3:45pm, so a solid 1.5 hr smoke!!
Rating: 5 Tobacco Leaves (If it hangs with my benchmark cigars, how could I not give it that?)
Side Note: I know that I have yet to give a bad rating on any stick in my reviews, but I would like everyone to keep in mind, that I have been extremely fortunate and blessed in the cigars that I have been able to enjoy as of late, and that is due ENTIRELY to the amazing brothers on here, and the amazing brothers I have at my local b&m. So no, it is not me being generous with my ratings or even not having a discerning enough palate, Im just very blessed by my family and friends on here and locally! Thanks for reading everyone, and until the next review hope you guys like this one!!
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
A leathery and toothy wrapper that looks very oily with a high sheen to it due to the large amount of oil. The feel of it however is counter-intuitive because it feels like an oily silk and not rough leather very very smooth and one of the softest, smoothest, and oiliest I have ever had.
I get a milk chocolate, slight cinnamon, and marshmallow nose on the foot with nearly zero smell off the wrapper very interesting!
A little spiciness picks up on the lick, along with cream and marshmallow again.
Cut Method:
I use my 007 custom punch and it cuts clean.
First Light: Light body of the smoke, but large pepper wavering between white and black pepper. Good notes of leather but less chewy and more of an aged leather. A hint of the classic maduro sweetness, but not an overpowering sweetness, more of a dark chocolate bittersweet. A LOT of spice and the pepper is still there too, but starting to mellow out after the first quarter inch or so. Right around the ½ mark, a smoky oak shows up and compliments this profile better than any other taste I could think of at this moment. The smoke production up to this point had been very minimal, but all of a sudden a gate opens up and the smoke comes pouring out along with a creamier and heavier smoke mouth feel.
1st Quarter: The spice picks up but the pepper disappears and this balance becomes phenomenal! The aged leather is still there, but the marshmallow becomes a key player, along with a vanilla, cream (think half half), some of a dryer sweetness, and a slight anise too it as well. The ash is salt and pepper looking and very layered which is a great contrast to the stick itself and looks really great! The cream, vanilla and marshmallow picks up more as it goes along. This is quickly turning into a stick that ranks among my favorite Ive ever had!! The smoke is very cool and flavorful while maintaining the that thick heavy production.
2nd Quarter:
I call this the second quarter due to the point where the flavor changes, and not the burn of the stick instead. The spice mellows out, and the oak becomes a predominant player with a little more of the anise and a chewier leather. The marshmallow is still there but becomes bigger on the retrohale and not the palate. The ash falls for the first time at about the 1.5 mark and breaks clean. As soon as the ash falls, the cream comes back and becomes heavy again which surprised me, but for my profile, I really like. I add a little more heat since the smoke production gets a little light again, and it remains cool while the smoke builds back again. At this point the draw becomes a tad tighter than I prefer so I cut it with the Xi and it opens right up and allows a larger smoke production more consistently. The flavor is still very spicey which I love, and the anise, leather (which is chewier still) and cream are still there, but the oak is continually building and is very smoky and pungent which is quite delicious. Some walnut starts to show up and rounds out the flavor a little more, but so far not a lot of changes at this point from what it has been doing. The cream along with a buttery texture and slight flavor comes back stronger at the turn along with the walnut and makes this my favorite part of the stick so far loving how this is progressing! The ash dropped again at about 1 further along (right in my lap btw annoyed lol) and it is burning slightly wavy but not causing issues for me so far.
3rd Quarter:
The oak is still smoky but it calms down some with the walnut becoming stronger, and an almond presents itself on the finish. Everything is incredibly smooth, cool, and thick really doing what I love in my favorite sticks and this is so far solidly in my top 5 of all time. Some cedar notes pick up slightly, with the vanilla leather and a heavier cream hitting the middle of my palate LOVE this stick!! The spice is always there, but the strength of it fades in and out in no consistent way, which would normally annoy me but for a reason I dont know, it works very well for me today and with this stick. Some salty caramel peeks its head out and says hello, and compliments the recent changes and makes this somehow even more delicious. With about 3 of the stick left, the smoke is still very very cool and it is getting nothing but better!
4th Quarter:
The cream becomes even heavier and smoother and slightly richer, which is my favorite flavor in a stick, so this is my baby by all means. Milk chocolate rears its head again, along with walnut, and a spicy vanilla that nearly reminds me of an eggnog spice very tasty. Mind you all of these flavors are subtle and not like drinking eggnog, or eating a Hershey bar, but they are flavors that I pick up in the smoke and very much enjoy. The cedar and oak are still there, but they are intermingling with each other now and it somehow works well. The finish on it is still incredibly smooth, very cool, and developing a flavor that I can only describe as woodsy with a nose slightly reminiscent of a Ponderosa Pine tree just SLIGHTLY juniper would be an ok way of saying it. The caramel and vanilla has built some in its dominance of the flavor along with the oak and cedar, and still some chewy leather but more as an afterthought. It makes one final turn where the classic maduro flavor pops up along with a stronger anise (black licorice) that builds the body to a solid medium plus.
Final Thoughts:
Based on the wrapper, nose, and look, I expected this to be a full bodied powerhouse, but I would put this at a solid medium that builds into a mid level medium plus at the end. This was an absolutely brilliant cigar that ranks right up there with my all time favorites such as: Ashton VSG Enchantment, Liga Privada #9, Liga Privada T52, Illusione Holy Lance, My Father #4, Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 Sun Grown, and the Tatuaje La Casita Criolla and Black Label. At $13 and change after tax for a single it is certainly a bit pricey but in my opinion is completely worth it. I would love to get a box of these but like I stated earlier today, Ive never had enough cash to ever buy a box of anything, so I do not see this happening anytime in the next 24 months. Out of this world smoke and because of that it will get the highest rating of tobacco leaves that I give, meaning that it is an all time favorite.
Smoke time 2 hrs 15 min.
Rating: 5 out of 5 Tobacco Leaves a true benchmark of cigars for me and my flavor profile!!
on a side note, i'd suggest reducing the size of those leaves about 85% or so
Silky smooth dark brown and red tinted wrapper, with no veins and triple capped on BOTH ends. Very oily and smooth with some tooth that really makes me anticipate what is to come!
Lots and lots of caramel, some mild hay, and an earthy sweetness.
A slight sour taste on the lick with some fruit notes that I pick up as mango, with some hay and cocoa. Very intriguing!!
Cut Method:
With the double ended triple cap I punch the head with my small gauge punch but choose to leave the other end un-molested and light it without a cut.
Review Method and Notes:
Im breaking this stick into thirds since it is such a short cigar, and will be taking notes and typing as I smoke this as well.
1st Light:
A decent amount of pepper hits the back of your throat on the initial light, which would normally be very unpleasant for me since I am not a pepper hound, however in this case it is mixed with the normal maduro sweetness that is so tasty, but it has a smoked hickory and heavy spice to it that balances it and makes in phenomenal RIGHT off the bat! A maple syrup immediately presents itself afterwards along with a light milk chocolate and as a finish heavy marshmallow creamy goodness! Truth be told, these first few puffs are the most enjoyable flavors Ive ever had in a stick in my 7 years of smoking Im 100% FLOORED. Right as the burn reaches the end of the triple cap a toasted coconut blasts me in the face and is hugely reminiscent of a Almond Joy sooo creamy, so sweet, and so toasty just absolute GOODNESS!!!
1st Third:
It is already finishing like glass on the palate its so smooth, with the pepper disappearing 100% already. Some cedar notes blend in and round everything out beautifully smoothing it out even further. The smoke is cool, bountiful, thick and luxuriously rich. I dont have enough adjectives to describe how decadent of a smoke this is easily my favorite of all time EASILY. The milk chocolate starts to become more predominate along with the toasted coconut and it gets even better. The burn is razor sharp, which is truly impressive when you consider that I didnt even cut the end, just lit it with the capped foot intact. The ash holds firm, and is a dark gray color almost the color of gun metal gray when you see it on hot rods (my upbringing). It flakes just slightly but stays pretty darned tight and heavy. The wrapper has not unraveled at all even at the burn and the stick becomes almost velvety with all the oils leaching out of the wrapper as the stick heats up. A fragrant bouquet opens up on the retrohale that oddly enough reminds me of a musky cologne with cedar and hickory. Once again the only word that comes to mind is decadent.
2nd Third:
This is one of the most difficult cigars I have reviewed so far to break into sections, simply because every puff is a change if only slightly. The 2nd third is based only on the point of the burn in the stick, and not in how it changes. The cedar and maple syrup have now become the dominant flavors with the milk chocolate and toasty coconut falling back into the middle to end of the palate and lingering on the roof of my mouth. Hickory is still present but it is darned near impossible to pinpoint where it is in the flavor and when it comes in because it is so mild and complex. Prior to this point the spice had fallen off slightly in terms of strength of the flavor, always being there but more in the background. The spice does however start to present itself again and it is a welcomed change. That is not to say that it would have been better earlier, it just works so beautifully now as well. Caramel becomes a little bigger and makes me step back and just stare at this stick in wonder! A little white pepper comes back into play along with the spice that helps to bring out the hickory and cedar in a larger way and makes it easier to detect. Every puff I take makes me starry eyed and is pleasantly giving me a decent buzz (something that does not often happen with any stick). The ash is at about an inch and a half at this point and makes no attempt to sag or drop. The tar buildup is starting slightly, something that happens often on my small ring gauge punches (this is what has been making me want a Xikar 009 punch) so I knock the ash and decide to cut it with the Xi double guillotine cutter. The draw opens right up, and the slight bitterness that was starting due to the tar darn near disappears. The burn turns a little wavy but I attribute that to the buildup and small punch, it does not however affect the smoke, which is still rich and bountiful. The main flavors are now the hickory, cedar and caramel and are building deliciously. The milk chocolate, marshmallow, and cream sneak in and out of every puff very elusively and make for a constant roller coaster ride of flavors and complexity. This is only getting better with time and I am consistently looking at the stick with wonder and amazement!
Final Third:
The smoke is becoming warmer but is not an issue at this point, and something I have come to expect with the darker smokes when I get this far down into them. It is not unpleasant and does highlight the spice and white pepper. The coconut has come back into play along with a stronger caramel flavor as well. The cedar and hickory are still there, but almost as an afterthought. The marshmallow now only shows up on the roof of my mouth after the retrohale which makes this a very sweet finish and very clean. I would have to describe the smoke as robust, with the flavors being somewhat delicate probably the first cigar I have been able to characterize as this. The ash is still the same dark gray gun metal color but has started to flake a little more at the end, most likely due to my ashing it before I clipped it. From here on out it is more of the same type of changes develop, and the spice intensifies beautifully!
Final Thoughts:
I think that one of the most appropriate words for this cigar, is Masterpice. The blend, the construction, burn and mellowing of the smoke was the most incredible and perfect balance I have ever come across, and I have to call out and thank the brother who bestowed this work of art upon me; Michael Harvey. Thank you my brother, this was the most phenomenal cigar I have ever had!
Rating: 5+ Tobacco Leaves
Thanks for the encouragement guys, I'll get another review up in the next few days guys
* Daisy Cutter- first S&B, good luck finding. Highest rated.
* Original ~?~- Last Halloween
* WMD and MOAB- First of the Red bands, stronger blend.
* Little Boy and Fat man- Second release of the Red band blend, first to use the "two headed" construction (triple caps on both ends)
* 2011 ~?~ Torpedo and ~?~ Box Press Torpedo- Both the same ~?~ blend, white band is round, black bands are box pressed and smaller production.
Viaje is a **** to keep up with.
Size: Robusto II 5 X 50
Age: This specific stick was rolled in 1999 and used 3-5 year aged tobacco when rolled. That means that the tobacco itself is 15-17 years old in this cigar!
Filler and Binder: PG gives no specifics that I can find, but it uses Dominican filler and binder leaves.
Wrapper: Connecticut shade grown
Nose: An incredibly heavy cedar with an almost refined cologne aspect comes off of the wrapper, with the foot giving off an even stronger cedar that also mixes very well with some white oak and a slight pepper scent.
Appearance: very delicate light brown with a bit of red tinge to it, with two slightly prominent veins running about 2/3 of the length of the cigar.
Lick: The same strong cedar smell also shows up in the lick along with some of the white oak, but a touch of spice that makes your lips and tongue tingle just slightly.
Cut Method: I use my Xi double guillotine, which cuts cleanly if not a little quickly making me think the tobacco could be a bit dry.
Dry Draw: The cedar gets even stronger along with the white oak and some peppery spice. The draw is very easy with little to no resistance.
First Light:
Light time is 11:15 am MST. It lights quickly and easily after I warm the foot for 15 seconds. The initial blast is that of a woodsy cedar and oak with pepper but one that isnt bitter. It has a large amount of spice and is already very complex! The smoke is fairly cool with just slight warmth to it, and already strong notes of almond and vanilla are presenting themselves. The burn is fairly even right off the bat, and the smoke is bountiful with a medium mouth feel to it, and just slightly dry.
First Third:
Raisin starts to creep in at this point (about half an inch in) and lingers on the back of your tongue with a long finish that is very welcomed. A flavor that I cant quite put my finger on lingers, it reminds me of anise and spice that have been blended together and I can only call it the classic maduro sweetness that I normally pick up in my dark maddies. Almond becomes stronger on the retrohale and the smoke just coats your mouth with a light creamy velvet feel. A chewy leather enters the mix at about an inch into it and adds a chewy element to the smoke, but it should be noted that the leather is a undertone whereas the spice and cedar/white oak is the dominate profile from the start and still is currently. The ash is still holding at 1.5 and is very tight with nearly no flaking and is a medium gray color. I do think that time has helped to smooth the palate and character of this cigar, but I also believe that it has made it burn much much faster since I am only 25 minutes in and the cigar is over 1/3rd smoked. The pepper picks up a little bit, which I would normally shy away from, but in this case it is not overly bitter, and adds a little body to this smoke. I would say at best it is a medium body, whereas the flavor is a medium-full and complex to say the least. So far this smoke is pairing very well with my espresso and cream and rounds it out nicely! The leather changes to what I can only name an oily leather and brings out a slight hickory aftertaste on the palate, with the white pepper and cedar hitting your tongue first and lingering for a long while and finally mellowing to a light cream and marshmallow taste. The ash is still holding at 2 so I decide to preemptively knock it so that I dont end up wearing it.
Second Third:
The raisin and anise start to move to the front of the palate and less on the aftertaste, so this signals to me a change and that it has started into the 2nd third of the stick. The flavors so far have not gone through any major changes, and instead have changed gradually and built to a new taste instead of just jumping to it. A thicker creaminess comes out in the mouth feel and also slightly in the taste (think half and half or lite heavy whipping cream) with the anise and marshmallow finishing on the middle to back of your tongue. A little more resistance on the draw has now developed and actually makes me enjoy the smoke a little more because the earlier draw was a little too easy for my liking. The burn also slows down slightly while the smoke stays a comfortable luke warm temperature. At this point the burn line is less than an inch from the band so I decide to remove the band. The dominate flavor has changed to the oily leather and hickory with the cedar moving to the finish instead. The anise and spice are now building in strength along with some more heat from the smoke.
Final Third:
The anise and spice take over and the white pepper makes a change to the classic pepper but so far is not overpowering. The leather becomes a little dryer tasting, and the marshmallow is huge on the aftertaste. Somewhere in that mix the cedar and hickory mix in but is very difficult to nail down where and how. Im very much enjoying the anise and hickory since they balance each other very well and make for a very unique flavor that keeps me interested right down to the end. The second ash is still holding at slightly over an inch still. I think that the pepper and slight bitterness are enjoyed in this instance simply because of the drink I am enjoying while I smoke and write this, namely the heavy and creamy espresso that also holds a cocoa bitterness to it. They compliment each other nicely, and balance each other out. For anyone who does try this stick, I would highly recommend having a black coffee or espresso with it since it has paired so well for me. The stick is getting down to the final inch and is only now turning hot and a little overly bitter, but I am not ready to set this down yet so I keep sticking it out. The anise grows stronger still while a unique vanilla develops. The stick finishes up at just about 50 minutes long, which was a little too short for me, but was still very good!
Final Thoughts:
This was a very complex and delicious smoke, but the body was a little too light for my liking, along with it smoking so quickly. The taste however was very good, but I would have enjoyed a bit more nutty character and some more creaminess. Because of this it will not get my highest rating, but I want to reiterate that it has nothing to do with how good the cigar was, simply my taste profile alone.
Rating: 4 Tobacco Leaves
So this cigar was named in honor of the man who blended and manufactured this cigar, A.J. Fernandez. Because of this, it is a Nicaraguan cigar produced in Esteli, and from my reading I BELIEVE that this is a Nicaraguan Puro.
A San Andres Morron Capa is the wrapper, while the binder and filler are Nicaraguan grown, but other than that I cannot as of yet find anymore info on this.
The wrapper is a toothy dark brown color with a shape of red and very very slight marbling of the leaf. It has two somewhat prominent veins, one running about half the length of the stick from the foot back towards the cap, and the other beginning at the cap and circling the stick to end under the band. The band is a very simple and elegant black with gold lettering and small pin striping.
I get a very sweet maple syrup smell with a strong woody note mixed into it, think red oak would be my guess.
Not a large amount of taste comes from the lick, the little that does is a hint of spice, and slight tangy taste.
Cut/Dry Draw:
I cut the cap with my Xi cutter which cuts easily and cleanly through it. The dry draw offers a moderate resistance and leads me to believe that with a little heat that this will be pretty much a great draw. I get a tangy hay and oak from the draw really getting excited for what this will offer!
Drink of Choice:
I decided to try something a little different for this review, mostly just because I was in the mood for it. Going with a Coke today.
First Light:
I light this bad boy up at 2:10pm. I warm the foot with my Xikar Stratosphere lighter and after a quick session of heating it, the stick lights quickly and evenly. The first draws are truly sublime! Smooth as glass with zero heat from the smoke, and a medium spice on the back of the tongue, while remaining a chocolate and maple/pecan sweetness terrific! Smoke production is solid, but so far is not billowing out massive amounts of smoke just average smoke output so far.
1st Third:
Very chewy and creamy texture on the palate for the smoke very rich without being overpowering! Massive chocolate flavors permeate everything and reminds me of a rich milk chocolate rather than an intense bittersweet dark chocolate that I have gotten in the past with other chocolate-y sticks. The maple syrup is still very much there, but has already mellowed into the blend, and changes just enough to now remind me of a homemade Pecan Pie (my wife just made one from scratch a few days ago, so the taste is still fresh in my mind) with a sweet oak also showing up with the blend now. The spice is always there, but it doesnt linger and bite like others have in the past it just kind of fades away on your palate very lightly and cleanly. The best way to describe it is in terms of my experiences with some higher end alcohols, in this case tequila. Good tequila has that classic taste and sting at the end, but GREAT tequila has all of that while just finishing clean without the bite. That is what I would characterize the AF1 as so far great character and the classic maddie flavor with spice, but NO bite. The retrohale offers a little stronger oak notes and a more prominent spice but once again, just as clean on the finish. A very minute hint of marshmallow pops up at this point and makes it just that much more complex, and difficult to pinpoint all of the subtle flavors that are present. At this point it occurs to me, that the sweet and dried hay has been there this whole time, but is so subtle and smooth that it didnt get picked up until now. It is just about now, that the AF1 goes through its first major change; the chocolate gets bolder while a sweet spiced rum note now comes into the mix. It reminds me of my favorite everyday rum, Sailor Jerry. It has that dark rum tone, but with the spice now mixing into the rum flavor and also getting just a hiiiint of cherry, ie Sailor Jerry flavors. The smoke production has increased now, and as I thought, the heat has opened up the draw just enough to nail on the head my perfect resistance on the draw. Overall, Im having a tough time thinking of what could make this stick better in any way, except for having more of it lol! The burn is pretty sharp, and offering just a slight wave to it. At this point the ash would have been about 1.5 long, but the first half inch got knocked off when the cigar tilted into the ashtray and accidentally knocked it off earlier. The ash is however, very white and slightly flaky. A deeper and darker chocolate is what it is changing to at this point, with the oak becoming a bit heartier and a little smoky just superb honestly! The ash falls (right in my lap btw) at about an inch, confirming what I thought, which was that the flaky ash wasnt dense lol.
The smoky and hearty oak is still present, but the maple and pecan come back to the front of the palate and linger in a very enjoyable way. A small pepper note joins in, making this a little fuller bodied and is quite enjoyable, along with some light smooth leather. Right about now, the smoke becomes a bit heavier feel and what I can only describe as bbq smoky flavor (kinda like liquid smoke but nowhere near as strong) pops up, and makes this the second major flavor change in the AF1 so far. The burn has tightened up and self corrected, and now is razor sharp. Im really happy that this is such a toothy and rugged wrapper, since I have had issues lately with the smoother silkier wrappers unwrapping or cracking lately which I think has to do with the climate of Colorado right now. So far, not even a hint that the wrapper is coming un-done or cracking, a welcomed change!!! The dark rum and spice flavor blends with the leather and pepper and becomes a seamless change that I really can differentiate where one starts and the other ends or begins. Truly complex with tons of subtle complexities that I just cant accurately pinpoint. There is definitely some marshmallow, a light cream, a little cedar, and anise . But how much of each is not something that I can comment on and feel confident about. The most prominent one is the marshmallow/cream, but even that is fairly light and difficult to pick up. The smoke is still very cool, and the dominant flavor changes from puff to puff, alternating between a rich and heavy milk chocolate, to a hearty and chewy oak with pecan. I cant say that Ive yet had a stick before this one that has done this and it keeps me very focused on this stick! The third major flavor change happens now, and the classic maddie sweetness that up until now has only been very light, just picks up. It is worth pointing out, that the flavor is still bolder yet smoother than what I would call the classic maddie flavor and I absolutely love the difference. The flavor is a solid full-full while the body is at best a medium-plus . Just about the perfect balance for my liking. The smoke hasnt dried out my mouth like it normally does, and it could just be a fluke based on the day, but it might also just be the smoke itself, Im just not smart enough to know in this instance.
Final Third:
The spice and leather become bigger players with the rest of the flavors still very much present. The texture and body of the smoke become chewier and thicker with a creamy smoothness, with the same being true for the taste as well, creamy and hearty. Still chocolate-y and nutty with the pecan still there but having a bit of almond added as well. So far no significant changes in flavor, just everything is bigger, richer and more robust! The same flavors are all there, it has just grown in intensity! The smoke is a bit warmer, but I expect that at the end of the stick and it is surprisingly just warm not even mildly hot. The draw is still spectacular and I havent been disappointed yet with this stick in any way. It finishes up incredibly smooth and still very robust, with the chocolate really shinning right at the end! All in all, a true masterpiece from AJ and a stick that will stay in my memory for quite some time to come!
Final Thoughts:
Pound for pound, this stick hangs right in there with some of the finest, rarest, and most expensive sticks I have ever had! The only complaint I have is how few places carry these and that I would LOVE to be able to stock up on them, but cannot right now. One of the smoothest and heartiest sticks I have had, and will remember this one for years to come!! Final end time is: 3:45pm, so a solid 1.5 hr smoke!!
5 Tobacco Leaves (If it hangs with my benchmark cigars, how could I not give it that?)
Side Note: I know that I have yet to give a bad rating on any stick in my reviews, but I would like everyone to keep in mind, that I have been extremely fortunate and blessed in the cigars that I have been able to enjoy as of late, and that is due ENTIRELY to the amazing brothers on here, and the amazing brothers I have at my local b&m. So no, it is not me being generous with my ratings or even not having a discerning enough palate, Im just very blessed by my family and friends on here and locally! Thanks for reading everyone, and until the next review hope you guys like this one!!