Diets + workouts
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Guys, I'm a fat blob at 230lbs. I'm hitting the gym again but have come to realize that I'm not going to really change my body shape unless I change my diet. Anyone have a good meal plan? Right now, I have the following in use/planned:
Cottage chesse with fruit
Oatmeal with granola
Almonds, unsalted
Sandwich but would like to move to a protein (chicken)
Nutrition bar (was using VPX Zero impact but quit due to all the mold problems)
chicken/fish with vegetables
Any advice appreciated, thanks.
Cottage chesse with fruit
Oatmeal with granola
Almonds, unsalted
Sandwich but would like to move to a protein (chicken)
Nutrition bar (was using VPX Zero impact but quit due to all the mold problems)
chicken/fish with vegetables
Any advice appreciated, thanks.
Whenever we've hung out he's always talking about tire flips lol.
He should have some insight on this one.
When it comes to food. Listen to your body. There will be times it's craving fruit or veggies or whatever and when it does give it to it. For example there's time my body screams at me for some naturally occuring sugars. I usually will grab a Naked drink and get some good sugars and antioxidants in my body. What I do when it comes to eating is I eat on a schedule. Every 4 hours is a meal. By doing such my meals are smaller and I snack in between. Things like Kashi fruit bars, fruit, etc. Make sure you cut out all high fructose corn syrup and also read all ingredients on your food. I mostly live by the rule of if I can't pronounce it I can't eat it. When it comes to carbs, they're your friend. That's where most of your energy comes from. It's all about good carbs. Brown Rice Vegetable Pasta, Spinach Fettuccine, etc are all great things to eat as you get good carbs plus veggies all in one. Plus almost everything that's low fat or fat free is a crappy product and won't do anything for your body. Make sure that the foods have good fats in them. They will do more for you than something fat free or low fat. Nuts and nut based products are a great example of that. I also have 1 day a week that is a designated fat day. Where I can eat cheese and have beer etc. Things that on the other 6 days I can't. And I can do it guilt free.
When it comes to working out make sure that you feed your body to do it. Don't get caught up on just lifting, or just doing cardio or just core strength. It takes a healthy mix to 1. keep progress going and 2. to keep your overall conditioning at a peak level. If something is hurting bad stop doing it. If you have cardio schedule but you feel like your core needs worked, work you core. Listening to your body is a huge key to success in physical fitness.
Sorry I know it's long but honestly it's the tip of the ice burg lol Hope that helps some
Mon, Wed, & Frid...I'll run my butt off. Usually between 5 & 6 miles with plenty hills. Some days my heart feels like its gonna explode. Last Wed I was out running about 3 miles out and my nose started bleeding. When i got back, I was covered in blood. It looked like I got my ass kicked in a fight.
Tues, Thrus, Sat...I'll run about a mile to the gym. I'll alternate workouts - chest & tri's one day with back & bi's another day.
My diet is usually pretty simple...
Breakfast - almost always yogurt (low fat) w/granola. I'll kick it up with some fruit and almonds every now and then.
Lunch - I practice portion control and healty decisions. Like turkey, tuna, baked fish, a wrap or salad.
Dinner - is where it can fall apart. I try to cook and guide where my diet goes. I bake and grill lots of chicken or fish. I steam lots of veggies and try to minimize the pasta.
For a snack any time during the day, i'll eat pretzels. Sometimes i juice fruits and bring those with me.
Drink lots of water and get plenty sleep! Cutting back on calories is def gonna make you tired sooner.
Its gonna be tough!! But it feels good to know that you are in control of your life.
my goals are very different than most, for example...
I am about 235-240 lbs right now depending on what part of the day I decide to weigh and see... BUT I am at my desired fitness level... I can run 5 miles without stopping, I can flat press 315lbs 20 times without stopping, I can leg press over 1000lbs, and I can dunk a basketball (don't laugh, that was always a goal of mine... I'm only about 5'10)...
I don't have rippling abs or anything, but I am where I want to be, and where my wife thinks I am the most attractive... Fitness to me is about a state of mind. As long as you are healthy, go after whatever your personal goals are.
If you are looking for simple diet advice, PM me, and I will send you the eating guide I used to loose 65lbs when I started going after my fitness goals.
Good luck to you!
One thing I would say. If you are going to be running learn to run right. Sounds funny, but most people run weird and get hurt. I took about 3 months working on my "style" and now never hurt. Also once you have a few miles under your feet do speed work and hill work. 20-30 mins of high cardio is better than a lot of long slow runs. Less ware and tear and it burns the same amount of cals.
Thats the Ticket , joied back upo in a gym last week, got me a personal trainer and Im ready for round one , goal drop 25 lbs , climb Mt Shast in July... Live longer... Rock n roll