@onestrangeone, had this for early Father's Day midway through our ride in the mountains right next to the Cache La Poudre river. Thank you Nathan this was a truly magnificent cigar and very grateful to be able to try it for the very first time, wish I had a lot more because wow they are good, will be hanging onto that last one for a while!!!!
@rsherman24 The CX2 is a cameroon and personally, I think it's CAO's best cameroon. It's price point is great, but unfortunately, it seems to be available at one place now online. Not sure about B&Ms.
@0patience Cameroon, now I recognize the flavor. Love them, but usually don't smoke because they crack or flake apart. I nubbed that and never had an issue. PM me with details on who sells them please.
Two tasty sticks tonight on the vherf with the BoTLs that sent them, Black Market Vandal from @Wylaff and a Salmon Patty from @Patrickbrick, thanks for the great sticks, guys.
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Thanks @Woodguarden. That was fantastic!! Nubbed that thing as far as I could go
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
@avengethis, had this while I did some yard work and garage work yesterday, thank you Brad this thing was frigging awesome and was one tasty little SOB! Harvested 2003 and rolled 2006, what a brilliant Camacho!
Couple nights back at a herf with @firetruckguy Brett had a La Palina Goldie Laguito No. 5 from @OchoZacho that was outta this world, and wrapped up with an Ashton Symmetry Corona that Brett had given me. Paired with some Crown Northern Harvest Rye I gave to Brett as a gift and some New Belgium Fat Tire with pulled pork slow roasted on the BBQ and beans and fresh sweet corn. What a great night thanks brother
@avengethis, had this while I did some yard work and garage work yesterday, thank you Brad this thing was frigging awesome and was one tasty little SOB! Harvested 2003 and rolled 2006, what a brilliant Camacho!
Gotta love old Camacho!! It's sad what happened to them
@Lee.mcglynn it was a real nice treat for sure! Damn shame they aren't the same anymore but without Christian it went to hell in a hand basket.
@90+_Irishman yup but the crazy thing is Christians new stuff can't even amount to it! Personally I've gotten the pleasure to smoke 10yr old Camacho and LFD stuff and it's incredible! I just can't see new Camacho ending so well
Yeah, that Partagas was very nice, had some good age on it too... creamy, earthy, and nice pepper. Thanks again @Bob_Luken and good seeing you on the vHerf.
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@RCY_Cigars, this is a bit late but I was still smoking cigs when Cael turned 3 this past February. But quite smoking cigs and since it was just Father's Day I lit up my yearly My Father No. 4 Lancero from the box that Rick sent me when Cael was born. Every year I get to smoke one from the box and after three years this is one of the most memorable smokes I've had in quite some time, and with the quality of sticks I've been smoking lately that says something. Here's to you Rick, thank you again brother this was and is still one of the most special things thank you so much!!
A 2014 Man O' War Puro Authentico Corona Maduro from @CharlieHeis paired with some flash brewed iced coffee. Nice way to start the evening.
Had to go out and buy some roasted coffee today, my Niece has been blowing through my home roasted coffee like a maniac, I think she uses 2 or 3 times the coffee to brew than I do, I'll have to see if she'd like some friendly brewing tips.
Thanks, Charlie, for a nice stick!
Post edited by Yakster on
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Smoked a crowned heads Buckingham palace from Nathan. Thanks bro it was excellent! Sorry no pic I was on my phone on vherf. @onestrangeone
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
My first from the Unico series, a Dirty Rat. Thanks for a delicious smoke @Oneisnone.
We need to bring him back
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
Cameroon, now I recognize the flavor. Love them, but usually don't smoke because they crack or flake apart. I nubbed that and never had an issue. PM me with details on who sells them please.
My favorite cigar list here
@danielzreyes dood dis is gud
-- Winston Churchill
@danielzreyes Stogie Stand sock ****
Had to go out and buy some roasted coffee today, my Niece has been blowing through my home roasted coffee like a maniac, I think she uses 2 or 3 times the coffee to brew than I do, I'll have to see if she'd like some friendly brewing tips.
Thanks, Charlie, for a nice stick!
-- Winston Churchill
Thanks buddy!!
-- Winston Churchill