George is getting upset

Speaking of favoorite Seinfeld episodes...Dooty, what I can only presume is one of your favorites is on.
Why don't you just tell me what movie you want to see?
Why don't you just tell me what movie you want to see?
I do like to use that quote quite a bit, though. In fact, most of what I say in normal conversation is actually just a quote from a movie or television show, adapted to the situation. This is ironic, because I don't really watch movies or television shows any more. And in case Alanis Morissette stops by the forum, note how I used the word "ironic" to describe an actual irony.
Speaking of ironical situations, remember Jimmy the Cabdriver from those MTV commercials and he did that one on Alanis Morrissette. It was pretty stupid, but maybe a little funny? "It's like when you meet the girl of your dreams, and she's only 13."
No Miller Lite for you!
Go crazy?
Don't mind if I do.
That right there is my fav Simpsons quote, and given how many quotable quotes there are, that's saying something.
"That's OK. I'm pretty sure I can struggle my way out.... First I'll pull my legs out with my hands... Now, I'll pull my arms out with my face"
A nickel to anybody who knows what movie that's from.
Marge: "He prefers the company of men."
Homer: "Who doesn't?"
Homer: Yeah, good things don't end with 'eum,' they end with 'mania' or 'teria.'
Homer: Whoo-Hoo 4 day weekend!!
For those uninitiated, Astaire's character is an urbane song & dance man (whodathunkit, right?), and his former partner, Bing Crosby, who has moved to a farm in Connecticut, comes for a visit and brings Astaire some peach preserves. Astaire says, "Hey, yeah, those are great on [long pause] Or even plain!"
I use it when somebody comes around to tell about something they've done that they're sure will be a really big help, but it, in truth, will do just the opposite. When they finish up with a big, "This'll really come in handy for ______!", I say, "Or even plain!"
Nobody gets it, but it cracks me right the hell up, which lightens the mood for when I have to tell them they need to go undo whatever it is they were so proud of having done.