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Hobbies Anyone?



  • camgfscamgfs Posts: 968
    I should add anything computer to my "hobbies" list. Since taking computer related courses in college, I've spent a lot of time on this thing. I play around with "virtual computers" and have a computer hefty enough to run several 2008R2 servers, SQL Server, Linux distros and Win7 computers all at the same time, in one box.
    It also makes for fast video and picture editing for web design. Starting this week, I will be playing around with ASP.Net (using C#), Exchange Server and some other technologies to help me with my courses. I guess if being a "nerd" could be a hobbie, I'd be the posterboy, lol.

  • SchroozSchrooz Posts: 165
    Just started getting into electronics last month, lol. I had to take a major detour in my education and basically had to drop out from the university some 20 years ago and never did get any grounding in science and technology. I am just letting my curiosity run its course with this hobby and maybe get some usefull skills to fix something. I have been browsing a lot of sites on the subject and really envy kids these days given the readily available information and technology to pursue this area of knowledge. Very intriguing stuff. Just last night I harvested some resistors, diodes, wires, and some other funny looking components from an old cd player i will be using for experiments to light some small bulbs and take measurements. Afterwards, I lit up a cigar and next thing I knew I was off in wild pipedreams of inventing some incredibly useful device. LOL, these cigars are powerful stuff!
  • RBeckomRBeckom Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭
    Any thing that requires the use of my hands.
    This includes:
    Gardening, carving, foundry work, tobacco growing and recently I've began creating my own wind power systems.
    Hobbies to me are more than something to do. It's also my solace, my meditation, if you will.




  • RBeckomRBeckom Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭
    I've got to work on my picture editing skills. Any advise?
  • KriegerKrieger Posts: 337
    oh man, I would love to learn how to work metal and grow tobacco. One day... one day.
  • camgfscamgfs Posts: 968
    I've got to work on my picture editing skills. Any advise?
    Do you have any editing software? There are some free ones that will let you resize and save...just google "image editor" and find one that you think you can work with. The best advise I could give anyone is to save an "original copy" of all your images to a folder/cd/dvd....to something that won't get messed with. Image editing software will sometimes overwrite your image file with the changes you made, making it impossible to undo those changes once the program is closed. Keep the original, and copy the image you want to work with to a new folder. That way, even if it gets screwed up, you always have a good copy.

  • RBeckomRBeckom Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭
    I've got to work on my picture editing skills. Any advise?
    Do you have any editing software? There are some free ones that will let you resize and save...just google "image editor" and find one that you think you can work with. The best advise I could give anyone is to save an "original copy" of all your images to a folder/cd/dvd....to something that won't get messed with. Image editing software will sometimes overwrite your image file with the changes you made, making it impossible to undo those changes once the program is closed. Keep the original, and copy the image you want to work with to a new folder. That way, even if it gets screwed up, you always have a good copy.

    Thanks for the information. My main worry was loosing my original copies. I'm still new to this computer stuff.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭
    oh man, I would love to learn how to work metal and grow tobacco. One day... one day.

    I have plenty of seeds from eight different varieties, all of which had the flower heads bagged to insure purity. Let me know if you want to try growing it's really quiet simple. The hard part is the curing and fermenting. It's all fun to learn.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭


    A few photos of my foundries at work.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭
    I've got to work on my picture editing skills. Any advise?
    Do you have any editing software? There are some free ones that will let you resize and save...just google "image editor" and find one that you think you can work with. The best advise I could give anyone is to save an "original copy" of all your images to a folder/cd/dvd....to something that won't get messed with. Image editing software will sometimes overwrite your image file with the changes you made, making it impossible to undo those changes once the program is closed. Keep the original, and copy the image you want to work with to a new folder. That way, even if it gets screwed up, you always have a good copy.

    Thanks for the information. My main worry was loosing my original copies. I'm still new to this computer stuff.

    What size would be the right size for the forums?
  • camgfscamgfs Posts: 968
    I find that about 780 pixels wide will fit in the forum pretty well, 760 pixels should not have to scroll left/right to see the entire image.

  • RBeckomRBeckom Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭
    I find that about 780 pixels wide will fit in the forum pretty well, 760 pixels should not have to scroll left/right to see the entire image.

    Thank you.
  • On the nerd front, I used to be in a Warhammer themed band, Iron Wolf. All the lyrics were loosely based on the Warhammer universe. I collect comics and play used to play Magic: the Gathering. Other than that it's just playing, writing, and recording music.
  • taythegibstaythegibs Posts: 2,025
    Ha. Other than cigars, my hobbies are farrrrr too nerdy to post in this thread, at least yet. Maybe if someone else does first.
    dude unless you collect pokemon cards I think you're good.

    dangit! image

    ...lol, but i still have a few dozen of mine from when they first came out. when i was in elementary school i made a lot of ice cream money selling and trading pokemon cards until the principal threatened to confiscate my stash, i had about 500 cards.

    im a big movie buff. i like tasting different whiskeys also. so i do all my hobbies at once. drink whiskey, smoke cigars, and watch a movie
    Oh dude... Movie buff... Ha. I have a problem. I have something like 4,500 movies on DVD, blu-ray, or VHS. Spent crazy amount of time watching films.
    i have close to 4 terrabytes of movies saved on hard drives. i need help...i even post them on my own media server so i can stream my own stuff anywhere i am. just like the cloud only i have been doing this long before. makes those long night shifts feel shorter

    and i thought i was bad with about 200 dvd's and 30ish gb of saved movies. i get most of my movies from a used bookstore called McKays that has a "bargain bin" with probably a couple thousand movies for $0.50-$1.95 each.

    i also collect shot glasses (have a few hundred of them) am a "Jeeper" (have had 00xj, 97xj, 96 zj, now have 01xj) which goes along with my general off-roading "hobby" that i have a 72 k5 blazer (although i mostly destroyed it and it needs a lot of work to even be running...)

    (72k5 and my old 96zj that had a custom cammo/tan interior)

    and not so much of a hobby as much as an obsession, but i am a Disney Fanatic! I completed two "College programs" and worked there for a year, i hope to go back to work down there in August!


    That might have been my longest post ever on here....
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    On the nerd front, I used to be in a Warhammer themed band, Iron Wolf. All the lyrics were loosely based on the Warhammer universe. I collect comics and play used to play Magic: the Gathering. Other than that it's just playing, writing, and recording music.
    Oh god. Warhammer themed band. My dream, realized. None of my music playing buddies ever played Warhammer, and none of my gaming buddies played music. It was just not meant to be. Instead, I just had to listen to Bolt Thrower, and pretend... WORRRRRRLD EATAAAAHHHHHHH...

    So I mentioned that I've been reading the Horus Heresy novels, and a few days ago I broke down, and went ahead... and bought the rest of them... Like, 10 books I didn't have already. Looking forward to buying all of the books coming out this year as well (book about the Battle of Calth, Word Bearers going shock and awe on the Ultras, in the Ultramar system, Daemons, Possessed marines, the whole 9 yards... Guilliman himself fighting... Also the book simply titled "The Primarchs" has badass art already:
    Sorry for the massive picture, but really... That's Sanguinius, Mortarion, Magnus the Red, Angron, Jaghatai Khan, Lorgar, Rogal Dorn, Horus, and Fulgrim... all together at the Triumph rally after the Ullanor campaign. Thought that was pretty badass, and is an example of what makes the Horus Heresy series so awesome. Giving the best Black Library authors the ability to play with characters like the Primarchs, Malcador the Sigillite, Constantin Valdor, and even the **** Emperor himself makes for some seriously intense drama. It's like Macbeth, or King Lear... with Space Marines.
  • Thanatos0320Thanatos0320 Posts: 577 ✭✭✭
    I have quite a few hobbies I love golf. I practice about 15 hours a week when it's nice outside and that doesn't include actually playing golf either. I like reading finance books and economics books. If there's anyone out there who wants to do a little investing with stock then i recommend you read the book "One Up on Wall St." By Peter Lynch. I like collecting silver coins. No i'm not a doomsday prepper. I just like collecting old american coins because of the history behind them. It's just nice to have something that's so old in front of you and finally, i like consider classic shaving a hobby. It's fun collecting different straight razors, safety razors and buying stuff in general for shaving.
  • bert873bert873 Posts: 2,561 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I feel like I have way to many hobbies. I enjoy golfing when I get the chance. I bought a DSLR camera a year ago and mess around with that. I absolutely love music and taught myself how to play guitar a few years ago, haven't had the chance to play much recently but I'm looking forward to picking it back up. I love working out and doing various fitness type challenges. I've done 2 Tough Mudders and will be doing another this year along with a half marathon coming up in April. I'm also into cars especially Mustangs do to owning a supercharged 96 Cobra. I feel like there's not enough time in the day to enjoy everything.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Reloading / Shooting. Im just shy of getting into benchrest competitions. On the side i brew beer and fish in the summer. I was really into backpacking(have the sierra nevadas in my back yard) but dont know if i'll have time for that between deploying and the new kid. Oh and cigars :)
  • flowbeeflowbee Posts: 1,203 ✭✭✭
    I collect stamps from all over the world!! I focus mainly on pre-1940 issues, I love to read history related books and I have an infatuation with old cars and rockabilly chicks!!
  • No_one21No_one21 Posts: 2,182 ✭✭✭
    I collect hobbies. Bass, guitar, piano, scuba diving, running 5Ks (want to do triathlons), cars, photography and drawing (not as much anymore), obv cigars lol, SOCCER, etc
  • honorknight7honorknight7 Posts: 523
    the devil site .... imageSmiley
  • MartelMartel Posts: 3,306 ✭✭✭✭
    I need another hobby. I have some I'd like. I quit golf when I gained a wife. Cost too much in time and money to be any good, and I wasn't, so it went. Soccer was out after some injuries. Backpacking was out with a bad back. Maybe I should coach my kids, but I'd probably only be able to help with soccer, and my kids don't play.

    I used to collect old sci-fi pulp magazines. I was different from most collectors. Usually people collect for the art on the cover. I collected for the significance of the stories and authors inside. So, I have Asimov's first published story. I have the original 1977 Ender's Game novella, etc. Lot's of times, these came in bundles with not so important mags, and I wound up with about 15-20 that are in decent shape. But, they just aren't worth investing the money. It's not much of an adventure to find them with the internet making it so easy. They're not usually super expensive because demand isn't that high. I guess I just lost interest in having to accumulate "stuff".

    No, my favorite collection was old movie theater paraphernalia, but I pared it down, too. I have a beautiful couple of old film reels. One day, I would love to (yeah, right) build my own private theater with double entry doors. The plan is to cut the reel down the middle and use one half on each door as a handle so when they're closed, it looks like a reel. I have some old film cans and other stuff for decoration, and my complete set of LOTR character one-sheets would be professionally framed and hang on the walls along with a couple of Star Wars I-III posters. I've dumped a lot of that stuff what with moving over the years, too. I just don't keep stuff if I'm not using it right now. Things I dumped include a 5-foot tall framed painting reproduction of the Field of Dreams poster, an original Loews Theaters mintman (wooden cut-out of a butler holding a bowl for mints). Lots of posters-mostly junk.

    Now I just "collect" cigars, but I have more fun getting rid of them!

    Oh, the other hobby I do have has curtailed due to $. location, family, and work schedule, but my wife and I do enjoy wine tastings and wine trails.
    Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

    I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot.  I will smoke anything, though.
  • webmostwebmost Posts: 7,713 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do they have wineries in Mississippi, Martel? If you're at the top of the state, seems like you could venture up the Natchez Trace to TN ... That seems like the kind of topography could have some wineries.

    We absolutely love the wine trail thing. Makes a great day on a motorcycle. They always place a winery on a sunny hillside with a view. And then they staff it with people who love what they do.

    “It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)

  • brianetz1brianetz1 Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭
    Book and comic reader would be my biggest hobbies.....i read a TON
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Book and comic reader would be my biggest hobbies.....i read a TON
    I have quite a few from when I collected. Few #1's. From what I can remember just to name a few, Spawn #1, Violator #1. Pitt #1, Maxx #1, Signed Spawn #4 (I think that was Violator's first apperance)....... These worth anything?
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • brianetz1brianetz1 Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭
    Book and comic reader would be my biggest hobbies.....i read a TON
    I have quite a few from when I collected. Few #1's. From what I can remember just to name a few, Spawn #1, Violator #1. Pitt #1, Maxx #1, Signed Spawn #4 (I think that was Violator's first apperance)....... These worth anything?
    probably not......

    When Image comics came out their print runs were HUGE. Meaning that a regular print run for a #1 would be something like 15k copies of the comic and Image was printing like 50K copies. The signed one might be worth it because it is mcfarlane but the others....i doubt the others are worth more than $10 each.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Trashing photobucket.
  • macs-smokesmacs-smokes Posts: 587
    Chasing kids drinking beer and whiskey... just started into the hobby of home brew beer... so far so good. Maybe I need to take up napping ad a hobby. I am already somewhat trained in its arts.
  • YaksterYakster Posts: 28,546 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2016
    Coffee is one of my big hobbies, ran out of roasted coffee today so after a full day of yard work, grocery shopping, and grilling up some flap steaks for dinner it's into the garage to enjoy a hobby trifecta, roasted up one of my favorite coffees, Yemen Red Marqaha while smoking one of my favorite cigars, Aging Room F55 Quattro and drinking a good beer, Firestone Walker Pale 31.   

    I've been roasting with this Behmor roaster since 2009 a have over 500 roasts on it now, before that it was with hot air poppers and other DIY methods that either roasted too small a batch or didn't get good results.  I've a trio of vintage lever espresso machines and enjoy pour-over coffee every morning.

    Post edited by Yakster on
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  • tabakotabako Posts: 365 ✭✭✭✭
    Gardening, real estate, writing historical fiction
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