Smoked a Gurkha Beauty today

And it was a beauty! Make no mistake about it, it is a BIG cigar and it gave me a chance to sit outside and reflect on things. The taste was rather mellow to medium to me. The taste got better the further along I got into the cigar. It tasted of tobacco of course, with hints of leather but yet there was a creaminess about it. All in all, it was great and I enjoyed the outdoors with it. Nice cigar and thanks to you Rick (RCY Cigars) for making it happen for me. I don't think I could have bought one on my own, but surely would have wanted one!!!

The best of these I had was creamy, toasted bread, with hints of hay intermingled.
2015 Gang War - East Coast
Enola Gay - Target #29
I'm that guy that gifted the Beauty to her. And with that comes the truth. Shipped to me in a ten pack with cello. I also have have a box that I bought when I first started out smoking them. And they are in the box in a tube. I have only smoked two of those. Now I'm no Kuzi, but I think the money I spent on the box and tubing was what I really paid for. As oppose to the cigar itself I got in a ten pack for $350 less. Regardless, I think it's a nice cigar to have smoked. Salem, if you feel that the gift I sent you may have been less in quality. I have know problem sending you two more. One tube fresh out the box and another one in a cello just how you received that one. And you can make your on judgement. On another note, if you have any questions about any of the cigars I sent you. Please feel free to ask me or anyone in the forum. One thing that is for sure, this is a open forum. And peoples opinion are more than welcome. In saying that, I'm a stand up guy and don't look to shaft a new person on a gifted cigar. That's way below my character. I'm just saying.....
the Beauty started out as super limited in CRAZY priced boxes of the most beautifully presented tubed cigars. And they were great. So great that Gurkha did what Gurkha always does... found a sh!tload of the "extremely limited" tobacco and made a ton more... sans fancy packaging. I've smoked both, and if there's a difference, my palate can't tell ya.
and Rick, buddy, NOBODY question the kinda man you are, trust me!!
I'm glad you enjoyed the cigar, Salem. The Beauty is one of my go-to connies (granted I smoke about 3-5 connies a month... if that. lol). Tubed or celloed, they are great cigars.
I was just answering squirrel's question a little more in depth.
you did nothing wrong. Don't feel bad. Seriously.
No need to feel bad Rhonda. You did nothing wrong and I'm not in my feelings at all. I just like to clarify things.