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New Moderator Introduction



  • rusirius:
    He's being just what he needs to be - invisible and un obtrusive. As a moderator he can't/won't be anyones buddy on here-the job won't allow it. He will be watching and hopefully fair , and a vehicle to get rid of nonsense like that Joe/Kim nut case just posting random nonsensical bs no one could understand. He may chime in time to time with opinions on smokes etc but he will be very generic which is what he should be to be an effictive moderator ....JMHO....
    I dunno if I agree with that or not... I've been a moderator on a couple forums I frequented... The whole reason I was asked to be a mod on them was because I spent so much time there... On other forums I've found some of the best mods are the more personable ones... Don't think for a moment you'll walk on 'em, but just because they have a presence on the forum doesn't mean they can't be effective...
    Gmill880 sort of hit the nail on the head here. I will respond to posts I feel I can provide good, honest, wholesome feedback. However, I will constantly be reviewing the forum, checking posts, etc on a day to day basis, so I am ALWAYS watching. Remember, just because I don't post as often as many of you, does not mean I am not reading all of your posts each day. At the same time, I refuse to keep a hands off approach, so you can expect to see posts from me on a regular basis. Feel free to send me messages, ask questions, etc. Don't be afraid to use my email address. I'm here to assist and observe.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    thats almost exactly how i thought ccom would run it.

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