
So Obama signs the Omnibus spending bill today with 9,000 earmarks in it, then lectures us on how there needs to be earmark reform? Give me a freaking break, can you say hypocrite?
"Long ashes my friends."
we have to remember to judge him by his good intentions not his successes or failures. We have to like him because he cares.
...so much for change.
I hope i have change in my pocket when he is done with me.
it wouldnt be a good idea to pay off your credit cards with other credit cards. you dont get anywhere, you dont create wealth. you always lose in that situation. If that strategy worked, why dont we spend a trillion a day? that way we will get back one and a half trillion.
we are spending so much money right now its scary.
"Long ashes my friends."
but he lowered taxes and raised revenue... but dont tell that to a liberal, it doesnt FEEL GOOD to lower taxes on everyone including the rich.
typical class envy
"Long ashes my friends."
not to me. everyone i have ever worked for has had more money than i have. thats how i could get paid. they took their money and, in exchange for a service that i provided, gave it to me. they had money. they gave it to me. if they did not have that money they could not give it to me.
the government does not have that money. they have to TAKE IT from me, or print it. both of those options are poor.
Citizens, obviously, do not directly hire government employees. Poor people do not directly hire anybody. It is the remarkable efficiency with which a poor person circulates money that creates jobs for masses of people.
Of course, if you stick to micro-economic principles, and track the lifespan of a dollar not more than a few steps from its acquisition, you'll never be able to understand why this is the case. You'll also continue to be baffled by the fact that the majority of professional economists are registered Democrats.
within the lifespan of that dollar, it goes from hand to hand, poor to rich and back again. one feeds off of the ohter. they are connected. some people just make better decisions with their money. If a poor person doesnt just go out and buy booze then all of a sudden he is saving and is worth a bit more. if that trend continues, he will improve his life. prove that statement. please.
48 percent -- Democrats
17 percent -- Republicans
27 percent -- Independents
3 percent -- Libertarian
5 percent -- Other or not registered
Seems pretty overwhelming to me
So go ahead and (incorrectly) take all the Libertarians.. and (incorrectly) half the Independents.. then also (incorrectly) take all the unregistered / other... and tell me if the difference is still statistically significant.
but, so far the markets have zero confidence in the Obama plan. since elected the market has dropped 30% and since hes taken office its dropped 20%. now, i know not all of that was caused by him, but the markets are run off of company futures. every time Obama comes out with a new part of his plan, the market goes down because they are scared of the taxes and regulation that could hurt business.
only time will tell. we, as a nation, elected him. now we have to live with it.
libertarians are for the individual freedom of people. they are for less government in all situations. this includes less taxes, and less government spending.