Room 101, Robbyas, and kuzi

Taste is a very subjective thing. and everybody had a different palate.
in the spirit of this robbyras and myself will both review the same cigar and do a little comparison. The cigar will be the Room 101 Connecticut Robusto. Both of us will be posting this on or respective blogs. with links to the other's blog once it is posted.
The point is to just simply compare. Keep an eye for it this friday on Kuzi'sCigarCatalog and RobbyRasReviews
in the spirit of this robbyras and myself will both review the same cigar and do a little comparison. The cigar will be the Room 101 Connecticut Robusto. Both of us will be posting this on or respective blogs. with links to the other's blog once it is posted.
The point is to just simply compare. Keep an eye for it this friday on Kuzi'sCigarCatalog and RobbyRasReviews
I need one of you to give it a terrible review so that I won't go buy a box of them... I'm way over budget, as is. LMAO
It seems to me that Nicaraguan tobacco is generally more peppery and stronger, while Honduran tobacco has more of a more "leather" taste, and isn't quite as strong as the Nicaraguan leaf.