Gurkha Titan WOW!

Best Smoke I have had
Combined with a Heineken slowly sipped I smoked the Titan for just over an hour and 15 minuets.
It lit well from a single match and burned and drew effortlessly and evenly for a good long while. I purchased it on Valentines Day from a shop on Hwy 70 in Havelock NC. My wife and I took the day and just headed in a different direction. Being a great gal my wife noticed the shop and suggested that I treat my self to a few high end stogies. This of course required no more coaxing on her part and I did just that and purchased a small variety of sticks that I had never tried before. All were excellent, however; the other day while warm and sunny I pulled the easy chair out and sat under Carolina blue skys. I watch the horses while sipping my brew and enjoying, well beyond my expectations, the Gurkha Titan. I dont have the literary knack of description or gift of gab to say it was leathery with hints of nuts and sassafras root or such things I often read. What I can say is I just purchased a box of 15 more with a huge dent in my budget, and Im happy about it, because it was just that good!
So Blazer where ya at in North Carolina?
i do have one in the humi. maybe the first day its warm enough outside ill fire it up and report back in my catalog.
I'm over in Granite Falls close to Hickory
I like the titan as well. Thanks to urbster I have a few more now. Have you tried the titan 2? Also does your shop have any beast boxes? or could you get one? I need a BEAST BOX... eh..