I'm sure this question has been asked before, but after searching the threads I couldn't come up with an answer that I liked.
I have a 50ct humi that I am constantly having humidification problems with. ranging from 60 - 80% and I'm tired of dealing with it. Is there an electric humidifier with a hygrometer that I can fill, put in and have it manage? I saw the humicare but could not find any reviews on it.
I guess the best way of puttting it would be HHHHEEEELLLLPPPP Thanks
I have a 50ct humi that I am constantly having humidification problems with. ranging from 60 - 80% and I'm tired of dealing with it. Is there an electric humidifier with a hygrometer that I can fill, put in and have it manage? I saw the humicare but could not find any reviews on it.
I guess the best way of puttting it would be HHHHEEEELLLLPPPP Thanks
if you dont have many cigars in there you should buy more. a humi has a harder time keeping RH when its less than 1/4 full. best range is 50-80% full.
My 100ct adding the same thing to it (along with the out of the box humidifier but leaving it a little drier) is coming down to the 67% to 68% range in top and bottom also.
Also need a good digi hydrometer suggestion.
Thanks for everyones input so far...
I've got a cheap digital hygrometer that I've tested against the salt test to be off by 3%. I plan to get one of these because they are adjustable.
my humi cant fit another stick.
So now, lets reverse the question - What should I do for a humi that has an RH that is too high?
Thanks All!
another thing you can do to bring down RH is put in a bit of unseasoned spanish cedar. I dont like that method myself. i keep my beads so they can soak up extra RH. ... if RH gets too high i open the humi for a bit. that hasnt happened in over a year.
no room for beads?
put the beads in where the foam was on the humidifier you currently have...
or is it a different style than what im thinking ?
I added a dozen new sticks, and a digital hydrometer. With the lid of the ICE jar off it was keeping them about 72% RH, so I loosely screwed the cap on the jar and it's maintaining 65-66% beautifully.
Thanks to all for their input/advise. (Plus it's a good excuse to keep my humi more full )
Kuzi, thanks for the light!
How long is a "bit"?
My RH is getting a little higher (75-80%) now that the cold temperatures are gone. I'm in Mexico so hot humid climates are a normal part of any day.
Is there anything else I can use to balance out the humidity in there besides more cigars and cedar?
Again, thanks!